Wednesday 16 January 2013

Your obedience determine your blessing

Òjò to ro kún inú ìkòkòò l'ágbàlá
Òjò òhún lo ro sinu àpèrè ti ko de kun
Ikoko wa nyo wipe apere o le gba ojo dani
E ba mi so fun ikoko wipe ko ma yo l'àyòjù
Nitori apere mbo wa ko èrè oko b'ojo ba ti da.
(Culled from one of the songs of Yinka Ayefele)

Everyone is created for different purposes.
Disgrace only comes when you try to serve a different purpose other than what you are created for.
Saul's kingdom was torn to pieces when he left his kingship calling to undertake the role reserved for a prophet.
So many today too are running helter-skelter trying to be what they have not been called to be.

Everyone has their moment of glory.
You invite destruction when you try to shine before your due time.
So many people go to unimaginable length just to come into the limelight. When in actual fact, all they needed to do was to W A I T P A T I E N T L Y!

God who formed you knows for what particular service and purpose He intended for you. Unless you live according to His plans, all your strivings on earth will be in futility.

Don't consider any role He assingned for you as too low. Be humble and do whatever He has called you to do. The most important thing is that you are fulfiling purpose and He will bless you for it. Your strength alone does not determine your blessing. Your obedience does.

The forming of the human foetus is God's act, and every tiny bits of us that He had intricately put together.
He alone knows your strength and limit- don't venture beyond these.

Ìgbà èdá ati àsìkò èdá wà lówó Elédùà.

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