Wednesday 16 January 2013

Be in charge. Be productive

Don't be mad at God if at the end of a day you realise you still have uncompleted tasks or you are stressed out. You simply need to learn the art of time management.

Don't be angry at people who refuses to share some of their time with you, when they turn you down by saying "sorry i don't have time". They are only being honest. God gave everyone equal hours in a day to complete all we have to do-24hrs. They have planned their day and would not allow you to disrupt it.

Appreciate those who allocate some of their time for you; to talk, visit, or run errands. They don't have to, but they are just being generous. It is their most valuable resource they are spending for you.

Ensure that in all your plans for the day, set aside a time to touch a soul positively. Don't be too much in a haste to show kindness.
Find time to help the fallen, mourn with the sorrowful, rejoice with those rejoicing.
Set aside a moment of solitude- a time when you re-energise your soul.

For you who spend the better part of your day in strategising on how to bring someone down, gossiping and slandering-
I can liken you to a fruitless tree and you shall soon be cut down, and your roots uprooted because you are taking up a place of a fruitful tree.

Be in-charge of your day. Be productive.

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