Wednesday 16 January 2013

'Mobile-lised' Farming

Satan: Koradini! Where have you been... don't you know the time you are meant to go and buy me food?

Koradini: Sorry my lord! I am very sorry sir!

Satan: First of all go down low and stop saying sorry. I asked you a simple question- answer me! Where were you?

Koradini: I was at the wharf my lord!

Satan: Wharf?! For what?

Koradini: I was monitoring the offloading of the container that just arrived sir.
His excellency has just ordered 10million mobile phones for farmers in the land sir.

Satan: Yeparipa! mobile phones?! To dig the soil or to harvest cocoa? What is the use?
Do they have good road networks to transport their harvest to the consumers?
How many of them can afford mechanised farming to improve cultivation?
Are you sure China did not dash them the mobile phones? Were they actually paid for? Somborry actually approved the payment for that purpose? ....when even a whole me cannot afford 3 square meals?
Koradini.....ko r a di.....k o r
(satan slumped)

Koradini: lord sir!....somebody help!! Please wake up lorrrrrrd!!!"

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