Monday 28 January 2013

One situation, One God, Different people

SITUATION: A resident reported the church to the council regarding their noise level which is above the approved decibel.

Reaction One: 

Pastor: Dear Parishioners, we received a letter from the council last week regarding a petition from one of the residents who complained about our noise level. The building committee organised a meeting with the council officials and it was suggested we improve on the soundproof.

We have subbed out the contract and work will commence this week to have the church properly sound-proofed so we can worship without constituting a nuisance to the community.

God bless you all.

Reaction Two:

Pastor: (Shouting and sweating) People of God, i want to you to take the next prayer point very serious. We want to pray that all the troubler of this soosi should die. God said decree one thing and it shall be we want to decree now.
Oya all of you turn now and face Prof's house. Point towards his house and command consuming fire to fall on his house and entire household.
He has been reporting us to the council that we are disturbing him with our noise. He said we should be banned from serving our God.....brethren, decree now that paralysis should come upon him. Call for leprosy....pray that he should run madddddd

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