Wednesday 16 January 2013

Giving and Receiving Criticism

‎"Ìpàkó onípàkó làárí eniéleni ni nb'áni ri t'eni"

If you consider yourself too big for criticism and correction you can't amount to much in life.
Regardless of how you see it, critics are in your life to make you stay focused and sharp.
Without the people who constantly point out your errors and call you to order, maybe you'll have been messed up beyond redemption.

Be grateful that you have people who wants you to be successful around you. Take criticisms and corrections positively.
Even when the criticism seems negative and malicious, don't (over)react in the heat of the moment. Take some time to cool down and critically think over the comments again. Ask your critics to suggest areas or forms of improvement. This type of question moves you into the future rather than staying stucked in your present.

Don't take pleasure in listening to comments only from people who love what you do.
Good criticism is rare so don't always expect one.

To the critics-

"Òrò to nyo obì l'ápò naa lo nyo idà l'ápó"

A good criticism is given with the intention of helping the other person to become better or improve. If your motive is different from this then your criticism is BAD.
Don't base your criticism on your personal preference. E.g what you like is good and what you hate is bad.
Let your focus be on the GOAL the other other person in trying to achieve. No sentiment or stereotype.
Avoid the use of sniding remarks. You can pass across a strong message without sounding negative. This is an art you need to perfect.
Don't just condemn, profer solution as well. Give the person a chance to become better in the future.

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