Wednesday 16 January 2013

Prof vs Pastor

(A man cornered the pastor after the service)

Pastor: Good afternoon sir. God bless you and i hope you enjoyed the service?

Prof: Good afternoon. Well, i quickly want to correct something about your prayer which i found to be wrong. I respect your calling as a man of God but you see, i am an expert in my field. I hold Phds in Geography and Geological sciences from Yale and Cambridge Universities respectively, so i think that places me in a more comfortable position to correct you.

Pastor: Sorry sir. I never disputed the fact that the Sun is smaller than the star neither did i contest against the rock cycle in my preaching or throughout the service. Ki l'ese mi double professor?

Prof: You see in one of the prayers you prayed today, you said all the goods and blessings of the people shall locate them from the 4 corners of the earth to which they all chorused "Amen". I didn't say amen because i am well learned. I am not ignorant like the rest of the folks.....

Pastor: Sir, what did i say wrong? Did i curse them? Kilode te fe daamu ni professor?

Prof: Listen man of God, the Earth is not squared so it can' t have 4- corners or whatever you call it.
Let me simplify this for you- according to the geodesy, a branch of science responsible for measuring the Earth's size and shape, the Earth's shape is classified as an oblate spheroid or ellipsoid, instead of a true sphere. This means that instead of being of equal circumference in all areas, the poles are squished, resulting in a bulge at the equator, and thus a larger circumference and diameter there.
The equatorial bulge at Earth's equator is measured at 26.5 miles (42.72 km) and is caused by the planet's rotation and gravity. Gravity itself causes planets and other celestial bodies to contract and form a sphere. This is because it pulls all the mass of an object as close to the center of gravity (the Earth's core in this case) as possible.
Because Earth rotates, this sphere is distorted by the centrifugal force. This is the force that causes objects to move outward away from the center of gravity. Therefore, as the Earth rotates, centrifugal force is greatest at the equator so it causes a slight outward bulge there, giving that region a larger circumference and diameter.
Local topography also plays a role in the Earth's shape, but on a global scale its role is very small. So you see in actual fact, the shape of the Earth is not the simple clean sphere which everyone always imagine, it is actually like a lumpy potato. So tell me how that could have 4 edges?

Pastor: Jesos Iwo lo de pe mi o! But why....why?! Se mi o si adura gba bayi?
Professor, i deeply apologise for encroaching your territory without permission. I am happy you didnt say Amen because boya ko ba buru ju bayi lo.
Please let us forgive and forget the past. I have headache now sir. E je ki n ma lo. God bless.

Prof: That's all right. Not at all...i am not angry. But it is expedient i correct mistake like this whenever i come across one. I would have explained more to you about the chemical composition and internal structure but i'll allow you to go and rest now. Can you book an appointment for me to have a chat on this with you?

Pastor: Prof, thank you let me go and digest what i have heard. My diary is fully booked from now till 2015. Ko s'aye sir.
God bless you. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. nice one, professors r jst like dt, notin u cn tell dem to defeat dia researches n believe abt a thing, dey hardly believe even d scripture bt there findings abt life, weldone boss
