Wednesday 16 January 2013

Justice served

Act1Scene1: (At the bus-stop)
She was chanting some names loud and instructing Jesus to arrest their hearts and make them favour herself and her son.

Act1Scene2: (Bus arrives)
A man pushing a buggie was trying to get on the bus and position the buggie well so as to leave the aisle free for other passangers.
...She was behind the man and said under her breath "E kuro lona funmi o jare" ''Get out of the way for me''
Man quickly moved to allow her.

Act2 Scene1: (Bus in motion)
Man still wondering how a so-called mother could behave in such an insensitive manner. Wasn't she praying for favour just few minutes ago? Why is she so impatient?
....She sat down and brought out her bible and started to read.

Act2Scene2: (She gets to her stop)
She got to her stop and pressed the bell but the driver somehow did not acknowledge it and failed to stop.
Driver took her 3 stops further before he stopped for her.


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