Monday 21 January 2013

Koradini in the Library

Satan: Koradini, where are you?

Koradini: I am in library my lord.

Satan: Library? Doing what?!

Koradini: I am doing research sir.....erm, check the newspaper under the table beside your seat sir....

(Satan checks) and headline reads:

"Birikisu Sungbo: One of King Solomon’s wives from Ogun State"

Satan: Hu-la-la!!! King Solomon married woman from Ogun? I mean this guy.....what is going on here?



  1. It is very possible since he married so many women. Some of them culd have traveled nights and days just to be with him. I once read that the tomb of Queen Sheba was found in Ogun State(Not sure if its true). So nothing is impossible.


  2. Let's wait and see what the outcome of Koradini's research will be.
