Wednesday 30 January 2013

Satan and Koradini in Ikare, Ondo

‎(Satan and Koradini walking on a street somewhere in Ikare, Ondo state, saw a woman on the street wailing and slamming herself on the tarred road)

Satan: What is wrong with that woman koradini?

Koradini: She must be very sad my lord...

Satan: Ofcourse i am not blind i can see that she is not in a good mood. I mean what is her problem?

Koradini: erm....i don't know my lord. Let me find out.

(Koradini changed his form and approched the woman 'Samaritanically')

Koradini: Madam, calm down....what is the problem?

Woman: haaaa.....heeeeee....i am finished o.....i am ruined only son has been sent to jail for stealing a phone. Jamiu has been jailed for 3years ooooooo bcos of stealing a mobile phone of N17,000.

Koradini: Haaa.... very sad.....i know how you feel madam but stealing is very bad.

(koradini goes back to satan)

Koradini: My lord, the woman's son was caught stealing and sent to jail. He deserves it. Definitely....stealing is not good my lord like you usually tell me.

Satan: wow! He must have stole something very huge o because this government hardly send people to jail. He must be a really bad guy.

Koradini: Yes my lord....No my lord...erm...yes.....

Satan: What is No, Yes, No, ......Yes.....

Koradini: Yes my lord this government hardly send people to jail but...erm No my lord the guy is not a big thief sir......i dont just understand what happened to him. He only stole a mobile phone worth N17,000 my lord....

Satan: He stole phone? Phone of N17,000 and he got 3 years with no option of fine? Do you know what you are talking about at all?
How much did Director of Police pension steal?

Koradini: N2b my lord.

Satan: How many years did he get?

Koradini: 2 years my lord but he don't need to serve as long as he can afford the option of fine at N250,000.

Satan: koradini, i am thirsty.....get me water.....

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