Wednesday 16 January 2013

It hurts? Deal with it.

When people come to seek your opinion on a matter, becareful not to give them an instruction.
You don't need to get angry because they did not take to your advice. Allow people to be responsible for their lives. Don't lord things over people. Remember, it's your opinion they asked for not your order.

And to those who go about seeking for advices, if you hate to be told the truth, then please keep your matter to yourself. Better still, you can carefully choose to take your matter to sycophants around you- they are experts in giving deceitful advices which will make you feel good.
You don't need to start hating on people who have your best interest at heart, and have told you the simple truth. It is not their business whether that's what you want to hear or not.
It hurts- yea deal with it!

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