Wednesday 16 January 2013

Spare the rod and spoil the child


I think so many parents need to review how they bring up their children and stop creating problems for someone else to inherit in the future.

E ranti wipe omo ti won o ba ko n'ile, ita ni won ti ma ko wa. There's no way an uncultured child will be scolded by an outsider without a mention of the lax training given by the parents. So the onus is on you to train your children well so they don't become a source of shame to you later.

So many parents think they are showing love when they pamper their children and indulge their excesses but in reality, they are actually destroying their lives . Such children end up not being useful to themselves talkless of others.

When you refuse to give your children some of the things they request for- you are not being miserly, you are only opening their eyes to one of the realities of life that they cannot have everything.

When you turn off the washing machine, stop the maid from coming, make them cook their meals- you are not being mean, you are only teaching them how to do the basic things for themselves and not depend on others.

When you subject them to a bit of inconvenience and pain here and there- you are not a devil-incarnate, you are simply making them to drink from the the well of life which springs both sweet and sour. You are building them up to be prepared to face everything life has to offer.

When you sometimes turn deaf ears to their cries for help- you are not being callous - you are only teaching them how to find their way out of difficulties.

When you leave them to bear the consequences of their actions, you are not being insensitive- you are teaching them to learn from their mistakes and become wiser.

When you give them tasks to tackle, you are not making their lives miserable- you are only building up their confidence to handle challenges and not quit.

Please do everything you can to make them become champions before they leave your custody. Start early before they end us as ''dried fish'' which can no longer be bent. Do your part- raise a generation with good values. Raise a generation with the fear of God!!!!


Ti won ba bi ni tan, a ma n tun ara eni bi ni. Even if you were not well brought up, you can re-birth or re-brand yourself to become somebody everyone will be proud of.

For those children who sees their parents as witches and wizards due to their level of strictness, i want to congratulate you for having such parents. You won't understand what they are doing in your life now, but i promise you when you do, you'll realise your indebtedness to them is forever. I used to be in this category and i remember once asking my mum if indeed she gave birth to me or i was adopted. Today, i can only bless for her for everything.

And finally, to those children who think they are too big to be trained- Iya yin wa ninu cooler. Ekun ojo ola le fi n sere.

I am of the opinion that every child regardless of the gender must know how to handle the basic house chores, show respect and be able to conduct him/herself properly in public.

***Respect to every parents out there who are making maximum efforts to raise children who'll become part of the solution. E o ni f'oju sunkun awon omo yin o.


(2 of LAGBAJA's songs come to mind to compliment this write up- 'MUMMY HI' and 'AKEBAJE'. Links are provided below if you care to listen to them).

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