Tuesday 22 January 2013

Be organised

(I wrote this as a reaction to what happened on the bus this morning)

I marvel at how some people make fool of themselves when they start searching frantically for their oyster cards only when they get on the bus.
...The question is when was the last time you used it? 1963?
The driver wont move unless you produce it, neither will he order you to get off....You are now the reason why other smart commuters will get late for their respective appointments because of your reckless, arrogant and selfish behaviour. You are arrogant and selfish when you don't even have the courtesy of stepping off the bus when your search produces a futile result.

Little thing like this shows how disorganised some people are with their lives.
If you can't manage small items of yours tell me how you can manage your destiny.
...You miss flights at will, gets late for appointments, misplaces important files, does everything at the very last minute, and are always full of excuses.

When you are disorganised, you are always under pressure, equally you put other people around you under pressure, you blame others, you complain, you don't get things done, people can't trust you with anything and you are repulsed.
The final end is failure.

Simplify your lives. Why go about with a mini travel luggage as handbag full of junks you don't need?

Be tidy. Place things at their proper places where you can easily find them. I know where i keep my things such that i can dress confidently in stark darkness.
Why should you be looking for your toothbrush under the bed and shoe in the fridge?! Should used-plates be kept in the bedroom for 3 days?!

Maybe this is the simple act some people need to improve upon to set themselves on the path to their breakthrough. You have prayed and fasted....now work on yourself.

(Yea nobody is perfect, occasional lapses are acceptable but am talking to the people who are completely reckless).

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