Wednesday 16 January 2013

Police is our friend

(Armed robbers in operation)

Robber: Hello everyone in this house. We have come in peace just to collect whatever you have for us. We don't have the intention of shooting or killing anyone except you refuse to cooperate with us.
Can the head of this home kindly go in and bring everything you have for us. We only have 15mins to spend here before we take our leave.
Thank you for your cooperation.

(After the robbers have left, the police arrives)

Police: (Shooting maniacally) Everybody lie down!..... You come out there!....Hands up! Bastard! Where are they?!!!!

(At the end of the police supposedly rescue operation, 3 people lay dead within the family that has just been robbed).

Police is our friend. God bless them for us.

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