Tuesday 22 January 2013

To all artisans/ professionals

Gbogbo e naa ko ni demonic attack o. If you are not getting as much patronage as your colleagues, please consider the following points before you book for spiritual cleansing:

- Whenever you are given any project, please produce quality jobs for you clients. Dont see it as only an avenue to make money, see it as an oppurtunity to SELL yourself. If you produce poor quality jobs, aye ara e lo n baje. You are simply sending out signals to prospective clients to beware of you and keep off. Let your work and happy clients be your marketers. You don't have to pay for adverts.

- Pay attention to details. This sets the wheat apart from the chaffs. If you are asked to produce samples, please present the best. Don't say " sebi ko funmi lowo sample, je ki n kan se anyhow just for him to have an idea". If you do that, you have just lost out on a bid. Remember, you about to sell yourself, FIRST IMPRESSION MATTERS A LOT.

- Be attentive to your clients' opinion- In as much as you want to exhibit your skills, please avoid what they don't like.
"Bo ti wu ki irunmu alagbase gun to, eniti o gbe ise fun l'oga e"
If your client pointed out that you have made mistakes, take responsibility and be willing to make corrections. Ma pe ni amuwa Olorun. They won't patronise you next time o!

- Be professional in the manner you conduct your business-dont take more jobs if you have a huge backlog to clear, meet deadlines, give your clients periodic feedbacks on the progress you are making, if you are running behind schedule inform them so that they can have a back-up plan. Dont keep silent and disappoint them. Honesty can never be over-emphasised.

- Be bold enough to turn down job offers which you know is below the standard you want. It's not all about money! YOUR REPUTATION IS IMPORTANT. E.g a greedy producer who accepts everyone called 'artist' without minding his reputation can never be taken serious. ELÉBI LASAN NI.

- Dont be too arrogant to seek other people's opinion about your work. A 3rd eye can see what you are not seeing, a 3rd ear might hear what you cannot. Don't rubbish other people's view no matter how junior they are to you( it might even be your apprentice). Their contribution might mean all the difference in your job. Learn to accept criticism and pick something positive from it. Regardless of your level of expertise, you are still human- not perfect.
Funny enough, you'll still take all the glory and not them.

- Never stop updating yourself on the latest technology or software related to your field. E.g Printing ti koja Roneo machine o. Aye Laser la wa yi. No one will patronise you if they discover you are not on top of your game, while those who do will value your services less.

- What you dont know, you dont know! Dont accept jobs you have no idea about. Ma Lo ÍKÒ. Because as a tailor you know how to use tape measure does not give you the licence to act as a surveyor. Don't say "sebi ki won kan won ile naa ni?" It's more than that o!

- Don't compete with others in the game. Just do your thing and be known for CLASS. You will attract princes and not ordinary men.

-Above all, stay connected to the source- God. Ma wo aago alago sare.

(This is a free consultancy service, mi o gba owo lowo yin. Just share this if you know i have contributed something meaningful to the growth of your career).

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