Tuesday 22 January 2013

Against all odds

I got to where i am today against all odds. I am the sort of guy no one really gave a chance to succeed.
Even though i sometimes feel bitter about these happenings, i was undaunted and continued to improve on myself. I was 100% sure that God's purposes and plans for me can NEVER be changed by any man.

I understood perfectly the principle of timing therefore, mi o binu awon to n da fun, neither did i at anytime made any attempt to pull down others for me to rise. I was patiently waiting for my time.
I never pushed too hard to make myself relevant rather i do the little i can within the space i can find. I never put my trust in man- i know it's either they fail me or they ask for greater returns after they have assisted me.

I never lived my life as competiting with anybody- i was contented with whatever i have even though i wasn't satisfied with my position. I never got carried away with flashy things- i focused on things of quality. Things of quality have no fear of time.
There is uniqueness in simplicity. I detest complications.

I am not the perfect guy you are looking for but i am sincere.
I remained true to myself and maintained my originality. Fake life for me is a turn-off. I look myself, talk myself...i don't struggle to fit in.
To a certain degree, i am a non- conformist. I always dare to be different and enjoy thinking against the norm.
I only celebrate creativity.

I knew the race isn't for the swift neither is the battle to the strong, therefore i relied solely on God's grace to pull me through and not my strength.
I never stopped praying even when there were no results. I knew prayers don't waste, just like inoculations - they are stored somewhere and they'll work someday when needed.

I am a man that enjoys solitude. I never stopped thinking, never stopped probing, never stopped learning and never considered anyone too young to learn from. I learnt both from the wise and the foolish.

I chose people who are on a journey as friends not those who are at their destinations. I hung about with those who are 'hungry' not ones who are 'fed'.

I talk only when neccesary and i know when to stop talking.

(Please pick whatever you find useful from my story and disregard the grammatical blunders- iyen o relevant).

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