Wednesday 23 January 2013

I don't do religion. I do relationship

Just like Paul said in Acts 26:25 "...i speak of the words of truth and reason."

"I don't do religion. I do relationship"

Something happened to me last week, i received a not-too- pleasant news and i began to feel troubled. Because i realised the trick of satan, i knew what was coming up next is fear and once fear have its way, things will start to crumble so i quickly arrested the situation and God ministered to me through the song of a brother- Kelechi Ify "I am God's priority". That song started coming repeatedly to me and i smiled because i knew it was settled. I had the assuarance i wanted. I know that whatever happen even regarding the news i had just received, it will work still in my favour.

But when i got home from work later that evening, i was going over the issue again and i asked myself this question " why am i worried over this issue? God has not told me anything relating to this. He hasn't shown me anything about this in advance. So that means it cannot happen."
Now, before i can ask such a bold question it means i know what i am talking about. It means i know the relationship which exist between me and God. It means He has been telling me things prior to this. It means i know the way He operates with me.
So how do i come about this relationship with God? I'll share my experience below, not to show off or to prove am holy, but to let you know that God is available and can be found by those who seek Him. This was not a straightforward process. It was painful, tough, and long but worth it.

It all started by God gaining my attention. He got my attention by taking away my beloved immediate younger sister. This sad incident pained me so much and i set a war path between me and God. I foolishly told Him that "it is fight to finish between both of us." However, he exposed my folly by making me to realise that a creation cannot fight its creator. I started falling sick frequently without any known cause and then i had to return back to Him for healing.

Each time i fall sick, i get prayed for until one day He instructed a woman(one of those who usually pray for me) to tell me that He needed to teach me how to fight my own battles. That was the last time the woman prayed for me. She simply sent me on 7days fasting and directed me to CAC Agbala Itura, not to be prayed for by anyone but to go and fight my own battles by myself.
There, God has stationed another brother there who was going to mentor me. I never knew him, he simply came and became my prayer partner. He was so useful to me for several years after and even up till now we are still together.
During this 2nd stage of the process, i learnt how to take my case to my creator. I learnt how to suffer my flesh, i learnt how to fight my battles. My relationship with Him has started. The stuffs i went through cannot be said on this page- e too much! Most importantly here i learnt the importance of having the Holy Spirit. This is the core of everything and i would need him at every other stages and for the rest of my life.

The next stage was for Him to start teaching me about life and how He operates and deal with people. I learnt how to take all instructions from Him. I learnt obedience even when it is not convinient or does not make any logical sense. I learnt how to depend on Him. I learnt P A T I E N C E. This was the hardest part. It was a mind- wrecking journey. I learnt that patience is a virtue. You have it and your life is settled. You have it and there is no place for worries. Patience does not mean that you should live your life without ambition. It means moving at God's timing. The most accurate time anyone could follow.
The other teachings are never-ending ones.....even i am still learning up till now.

Here, He made my journey clear to me. Even though i don't how to get there because the light He shed on my path is only sufficient to take the next step, but knowing what lays ahead of me enabled me to pick my choices wisely. That's why emi kii wo ariwo oja, eniti mo ba nna oja ni mo nwo. I know what He said, i have seen what He has i can trust Him for the rest.
Now because He showed me what laid ahead does not mean things wil be falling in place just like that. NO! I have still got battles to fight, oppositions to confront, uncertainties to face... Yes that is the deal and i understood it.

Having revealed to me what laid ahead, the next stage was for Him to teach me how to hear from Him on what step to take next. How to be sensitive to His signals. How to understand His promptings. These took several forms- His word, dreams, songs, visions, messages, 3rd parties(this could be anybody- even a mad man). I have submitted to His interruptions as He pleases.
This aspect is vital in spiritual battles because it is like someone leaking the top secrets of your enemies to you. So when you go to battle with them, it is a walk-over for you because you have first conquered in the spiritual realm.
So i always get the warning in advance. Also, he gave me the wisdom to handle them because some of them can be so terrifying.

Inspite of all these, i am still in the process of being perfect. I am constantly renewing my spirit. I still have my own demons i am fighting with- sins that easily besets. But i never stay down anytime i fall. I get up and move again.
I understand the trick of the enemy is to get me off-track and to accuse me and also make me feel rejected so mi o ni gba fun. I know His thoughts towards me.....and that's all that counts.

I have shared all these with you so that you can quit religion and develop a relationship. Religion kills. Religion blindfolds. Religious leaders you follow about have all gone insane. They have sold their souls to the devil because of worldly gains and would lead as many as possible to miss their purposes in life.
With my relationship with Him, i don't have a prayer time- i pray all the time even when my lips are not moving. I am always in tune with the Spirit. Mi o figba kankan tura sile. Sometimes, i get complascent, i am human but the Holy Spirit is on hand to call me to order.

...So back to my story which brought up this write up, 3 days after i received the news, the matter was sorted without breaking any sweat. Then, i said to myself "Ah ha i said it now that this can't happen because He never told me so."
This is a relationship not religion!

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