Wednesday 16 January 2013

4 types of riches

There are four kinds of riches. There are riches in what you have, there are riches in what you do, there are riches in what you know, and there are riches in what you are.

There are so many rich men today, but who are only rich in what they have-material riches. This is the lowest kind of riches. No wonder we have so many rich fools or money-miss-road as we normally refer to them in our day-to-day parlance.

It is not impossible for a rich man to be godly, but being rich only in material possessions and not character makes walking with God harder.
It is not coincidental to find men who are only in pursuit of material riches to have a doggish lifestyle. They are brutal and evil in their dealings.
This should remind us of what Jesus said: material riches are a definite obstacle to the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:23-24).

The highest level of riches a man should strive for is the riches in what you are- i.e. the riches of character.

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