Wednesday 16 January 2013

Real life is much more than degrees

You saunter about and take pride in having so and so degrees without any skills. Haven't you heard that employers don't pay you for having a certificate? They pay for the value you can add to their organisation.
Look, real life is much more than degrees. To have any chance of success, you must carry a solution. This is what feeds you to abundance in the midst of famine.
Stop whining about how you carry 3 Mscs yet you can't get a job. Certificates don't take you past securing an interview. The rest depends largely on what you carry.

When last did you make any attempt to improve on your skills or acquire additional ones?
You spend all your time on watching TV, and prefer buying entertainment magazines- when you should as a matter of fact be out in search of a specific knowledge that would turn you into a solution that someone is in need of.

I ain't saying you should live a boring life, what i am saying is that you should spend your time wisely and concentrate on valuable stuffs that would set you apart.

I ain't saying don't go to school, all i am saying is that schools only teaches you how to 'read' you need to learn how to 'think'.

David, Joseph, Daniel - all prospered because they were solution carriers. It does not matter the place or the economic situation; when you have what people want- ona a la ni....because the gift of a man will make room for him

Blame the government as much as you like for not providing jobs.
Blame your employers as much as you like for not paying you enough.
Blame your poor backgrounds...go ahead blame everyone!
Blaming does nothing. It only make you feel good with yourself.

If you really want to break out of the cycle, go out in search of knowledge. Knowledge is power.

E kuro nidi osi. Get serious! Be a solution!"

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