Wednesday 16 January 2013

Take a lively interest in the prosperity of others

‎"Rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep." Rom 12:15

How many times do you get invited to friends' baby showers when you are still praying to conceive.

You get weekly invites to attend another friend's wedding yet no man is looking your own way.

You see friends change new jobs like set of clothes but you are still struggling to get a single job interview confirmed.

The most difficult thing to do as a human being is to congratulate others on their success especially when the same issue they are happy about is a disappointment for us.
What is commonplace today is the reverse of Rom 12:15. We mourn when we see others prosper and rejoice at their misfortunes. This is bad!

We need to take a lively interest in the prosperity of others. It should be a matter of rejoicing to us when we hear of the good health, prosperity, or happiness of another person. When we do this, happiness diffuses and joy is multiplied among everyone.

We need to build a compassionate and sympathizing mind. Our hearts should feel for the distressed. We ought to be able to enter into their sorrows, and bear a part of their burdens.

However, we should be careful not to rejoice with those who are celebrating their sinful and criminal conquest but good and laudable things.

Iwe awon agba ori keji ese keta wipe: "Eniti o ba alayo yo, ayo tire naa ko ni pe de"

Ma ro ibi si elomiran.
Ma sare kiri bi ti elomiran se ma baje
Ma soro ibaje elomiran
Ma pegan
Ma d'ìtè
Ma binu

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