Wednesday 16 January 2013

For everything there's a season and a reason

In my short spiritual journey, i have been able to gather these facts:

God has a plan for everyone that is existing in the world.
But just because God has a plan for your life does not mean that you are living according to that plan. You see, man is a free agent. He may accept or reject God's plan for his life. Nature has no such power of choice. It obeys the order which has been set by the designer of the Universe.

How does a man reject God's plan?
God, just like a master builder, reveals His plans for man step by step. He never rushes through His work. He never ignores any of the processes and He's very detailed. He sheds enough light for us to take one step at a time.
Because of man's impatience and the pressure piled on us by the society, we consider the pace of God too slow and want to move at our own pace (a speed considered as acceptable within the society).
We can no longer rely on His light which He sheds day by day, step by step, and at every crossroads or corners. We want a floodlight to illuminate the entire journey all at once, and we just want to rush through into the unknown leaving out the One who knows the way.
In essence, we become self-guided instead of spirit-led.
The end result of this is- chaos, not-lasting success, and in the end, destruction.

The foundation of our problem is our measuring yardstick. How we measure success. We have a wrong standard for measuring success. On this foundation, we build greed, covetousness, and pride.
With this wrong mindset, we start to run from pillar to post doing everything possible to be termed 'successful' by the world, while not minding the purpose of our existence- the plan of God.
No wonder so many people die with so much but with nothing.

For those at the edge of despair, for those who found themselves on the quick sand of life; you are where you are today because you left the hands of the guide and went your way. You abandoned the pace set for you by your maker and used another person's timing instead. O ti gbagbe wipe, eniti o ba fi ikanju wa korokoro ola, ilekun ibanuje ni yio fi si ni igbehin.
I urge you all to go back to the maker. Return to the source; go back to re-order your steps and align with the will of God for your life only then can you prosper.

For those weary. For those considering to move at their own pace and abandon God's; i plead with you to be patient. Adanimagbagbe ni oba Olorun. Ko gbagbe re o, asiko ni gbogbo nkan.
For everything there's a time and season.
Your prayers are not falling on deaf ears, it's just your fleshy reaction to the silence that make you think so.
Don't let the pressure of what you are going through now push you outside His will. Aduro ti Oluwa kii j'ogun òfo.
Let nature be a reminder to you that everything happen at their due season.

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