Friday 18 January 2013

Know yourself

"Ikún nje ògèdè o n rerin músé; Ikún o mo wipe nkan to dun n pani"

Do you understand your body?
Do you understand your system well enough to know what you should abstain from without being told by the doctors?

This is what each person should do-know yourself. Our body functions differently and we react to substances also differently. If you pay close attention to yourself, you will be able to understand how your system functions and what it reacts to. You will be able to prevent some ailment before they occur rather than spending money on medications and living in pains and frustration.

Using myself as an example, i won't say i am self-obssessed but i watch changes across my body and system, once i notice anything unusual i start to trace what the cause is/are.
Few years back, i noticed each time i am on my way to church on Sunday i'll start having dry throat and then caughing. This went on and on and i got disturbed. Initially, i thought it could be the pressure of singing but i ruled that out. I don't sing under pressure. Likewise, i ruled out the tiredness of football i play on Saturdays.
So i traced it back to when it started and the new things or habits i picked up around that time, then i discovered a new bottle of perfume (Chaps by Ralph) i had just bought. I decided not to use this perfume to see whether that was the cause. Yes it was! Kini yen lo fe pa mi o!!! Now am not saying this perfume is bad, but there are some components of it that do not agree with my system. The continued use could have a detrimental effect on my life.
Ok problem found but am i disciplined enough to apply the solution? I just bought this perfume...but then i had to weigh my options- Do i stop now or continue and then damage more vital organs which cannot be readily purchased or replaced?
This is perharps the most important part of our problem- not willing to let go. Despite the fact that you know the cause of your pain and the devastating effect of a prolonged use, we still choose not to let go.

The second story i want to share is about my battle with gum pains and swellings. This was more painful and prolonged. I spent money on medications but only got temporary relief, within a short time it will flare up again.
On this occassion, it took me a longer time to discover the £1.20 object that has been making my life miserable- LUCOZADE ENERGY DRINK.
The day i discovered, i looked at the bottle of the drink in my hand and said "so iwo kini kekere yi lo nyo aye mi l'enu.....u dey craze?"
Since then i only look at it on the storeshelf and wave....i don't go near it.

Likewise your source of pain could be something very little which you have not really given any attention. Some of you might have even discovered theirs but are not willing to let go of the thing or the lifestyle. So first you need to pay attention to yourself, discover the cause of your problem and then be determined to let go. It could be a wierd lifestyle- try to chill out or stop completely. You need to start paying attention to the warning bells which your body has been ringing. You have ignored it long enough.
If families and friends have called your attention to certain things which they have discovered are bad for you, please try to give it a thought and change. The after-effect is not limited to you alone. It will spread across to friends and families who will be sad to see their loved one sick, colleagues at work will also be under pressure to cover for you while you call in sick almost on daily basis.

Preventive measure cost much less than the penalty for neglect.
E ma ranti wipe èmì ò l'áàrò. Life has no duplicate.