Tuesday 22 January 2013

God is not looking for entertainers

I urge worship leaders not to use the platform of worship to display their vocal skills or to convince their fans to vote for them in the next award gala. Go and organise your own show if you want to show-off!

It's not enough to just watch a video on you tube and then you come on Sunday to replicate what you have watched. You must allow yourself to be led by the Spirit of God.
Yea i understand that when you yield yourself to the Spirit you are no longer in control of the time and choice of songs which means you are certain to incur the wrath of the HOD choir and the pastor because you'll exceed the 20 mins allocated to worship in a service of 2 hrs and most likely not sing the popular song everyone wants to hear.
But who cares? Are you pleasing God or man?

Sometimes i see 2 lead singers in the same choir behaving like competitors and trying to outdo each other- i laugh. Some choiristers are even angry cos they are not allowed to hold a mic.

These are some of the things you'll see on display in a place where God has been replaced as the centre of worship.

God is not looking for entertainers, He's seeking true worshippers.

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