Wednesday 16 January 2013


The rich man saw the poor man in the day starving but he refused to help.
The poor man then came to the rich man in the night to 'demand' to be helped.

The rich man didn't like the poor man coming to his house to 'demand' for help so he built a fortress around himself.
The poor man undeterred by the richman's approach, returned well-fortified to have his way regardless.

The rich man who can no longer tolerate this intruder contacted his friends in the society to provide him with extra force to keep the poor man at bay.
The poorman too called his fellows to join hands with him to break the resistance of the rich man.

The rich man thinks it is not his duty to help the poor man.
The poor man believes the rich man took all the chances.

The poor man cannot sleep because he's hungry.
The rich man cannot sleep because the poor man is awake.

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