Saturday 19 January 2013

A brief meeting with my mind

(It's 5:17am and i have not slept all through the night so i invited my mind for a brief chat)

Me: Hello mind are you alright?

Mind: I am very sound thank you. What about you, are you ok?

Me: No i am not. Can i ask you some questions?

Mind: Yes you can.

Me: Is man an island?

Mind: No. As in emphatic No!

Me: So you mean no man can ever start and complete a thing on his own without involving someoneelse?

Mind: Well you see, anyone who tries to that can only last a while before they'll eventually need the support or input of somebodyelse to ensure the completion of what they have embarked upon. Life is based on interactions. Everything you see in nature interacts- they all affect one another in different ways and man is not an exception.
It is usually a big struggle to go all alone. That's why it is written in the holy bible that "two are better than one". Have you also not read the part where it says "one shall chase 1,000 and two, 10,000?

Me: How come some people are prevented from partnering with others. Such people are constantly reminded that "irawo ti won gbe w'aye kii ba elomiran da nkan po?" Does that mean such people have been equipped to go all alone? Such people struggle while going all alone. Why?

Mind: Well, what is true is that to succeed in life you need to be sorrounded by the right kind of people. You need the people who'll push you to reach the next height and also support you when you slip.
If you have a dream and you have no team, that dream will be unexecutable.
If you have a dream and you have a bad team, the dream will be a nightmare.
If you have a dream and you have the right team, the dream will end in joy.
Therefore, what i'll say is choose wisely.

Me: So how do i choose wisely? How would i recognise them right people?

Mind: You need to go back to the one who gave you the assignment to show you people He wants to use to accomplish the task. You don't need to force yourself on people. You don't force help out of people. You don't pick up fights with those who have refused to help. They might not have been sent to play any role in your life.
So stay focus, be sensitive, and don't take anyone for granted.

Me: Thank you mind. I'll save my other questions for next time. I am feeling sleepy now.

Mind: Alright. You are welcome take care.

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