Saturday 20 December 2014


I have no iota of confidence in this present auto pilot leadership of GEJ. I have maintained this position before he was even voted in. I screamed on one of my posts on facebook then that Nigerians MUST not hold this man accountable for anything because he has promised to do NOTHING. Just like now, all we wanted then too was CHANGE.

I am one of the few people you'll see that do not feel disappointed with the performance of this government . Where was everyone when D'banj was conducting a solo presidential debate (Q&A) after he declined to appear on the official one on the TV? Se sun ni? We only wanted a change. But what change? If you don't know what kind of change you want how can you assess if he was capable of leading? He listed no plan of what he was going there to do and when i raised this point, a friend of mine on facebook said to me "what does that matter....afterall those who gave plans in the past could not achieve anything". This was a comment from an educated person (I will not mention his name to save him of embarassment).

We are where we are.

Nigerians who are condenming GEJ today should check themselves. They should blame themselves.
How can you require from someone what he has not promised to give?

We are being presented with another opportunity now, E YAN DAADAA O!

And let me take this opportunity to advise those lazy and weak minds who are already saddling God with the responsibility of choosing our next President to please wake up! God does not vote. Human beings vote.
God does not count votes. Human beings count votes. It was in the bible that God was in the business of choosing leaders for the Isrealites. Today, he has given the power to us to choose whoever we want as our leader. After you have chosen, blame yourselves not Him. Take responsibility if you fail not shift the blame on him.

Majority still don't know what they want hence we are still divided along the religious and tribal fronts.
By now i don't expect any sensible Nigerian to still be in support of the continous reign of the inefficacious leadership of GEJ.

We must all agree on the direction/destination before we can CHOOSE a driver who is farmiliar with the terraine to drive us.

It is only after we have agreed that all of us - christians, muslims, traditionalists, all tribes, can sit together in peace while we embark on the journey.

It is after we have agreed that we can jointly call the driver to order if we notice he's driving out of route, and the people of his tribe and religion will not scream murder.

As at this moment, many still don't get it.

- Some people still want GEJ to continue.

- Some just want GMB there because they are simply tired of GEJ. They don't even care whatever he's going there to do.

- Some don't want GMB there because he's a muslim/Northerner, while some want him for these reasons.

But why do we need a new leadership as a NATION? This is what we need to answer.

These factors might seem trivial but these will all count come Feb 2015. Mark my word!

I still submit by saying until we know what we want, we'll not be able to choose wisely.


Friday 19 December 2014


"Dídà lo da ti omo fi d'egbe, ègbé kii se ile omo"

That we are left with a 72-yr old man as the only creditable option to wrestle power from the hands of this noxious government is lugubrious. I know we settled for this choice because majority of the people can no longer endure the fetid air coming from the direction of the fedora hat-wearing auto-pilot president and his gang, and demand a change ANYHOW.

"Amukun eru e wo, o ni oke le nwo, e o wo isale"

As much as i appreciate the fact that we need a change, i do not support a change ANYHOW.
A change anyhow is a change that is just allowing someone else to give it a try. That is not what we need at this time. We have had so many people try in the past and we get tired of them before 4 years.
What we need to find is what brought us to where we are. We will get nowhere as long as we keep ignoring the thing that keep bringing us back to the same spot all the time. It is not corruption. It is the SYSTEM. Corruption is only a product of the faulty system. What some of those who have ruled us in the past (including the the gap-toothed General) have tried to do is to fight corruption, whereas what we actually need is a RESTRUCTURING. To kill a tree you must tackle it from the root not trying to cut off the branches.

We have been talking about corruption for donkey years, and the sad truth is there'll always be corrupt elements but we must set up a system that'll make it difficult for them to operate or survive.
This present system breeds them. This present climate is perfect for them to thrive.

This present system concentrates too much power and wealth at the central government while state and local governments which are the closest to the people are starved of developmental powers and resources. This is the major reason for our under-development.
Back in the days when we had the regional governments, these regional heads were left to execute policies which would help develop their regions. They were able to harness their resources- people, natural resources, land etc to  develop their various regions. As a whole, Nigeria witnessed a better nation than what is it now. Some of the developmental gains of those periods are still benefitting us today. It was not that the people of that time were saints or that there were no corrupt individuals exisiting then, it was just that the system then allowed for accountability and power was closer to the people.

What we have today is the free money of Abuja. The state and local goverments are waiting for money from Abuja. When this money comes, they are misused. When these lawmakers get money to develop their various constituents, they are converterd for personal use and nobody can ask questions. Some locals do not even get to see their local chairmen talkless of them undertaking developmental projects. The money in Abuja is insane and everybody wants to go to Abuja. The money we use in running our federal system of goverment is too much, leaving little or nothing to develop the nation. Our Senators earn more than the President of the United States of America yet they contribute little or nothing to the growth of the nation.
This is why some individuals with fading carreers in the entertainment industry can just wake up one day and print posters to contest for seats at the national assembly, without any record of involvement in grassroot politics. What do you think they going there to look for? Abuja free money.

Things will even get harder now that the oil price has dropped and we'll be hard-hit by this because of our over-reliance on oil.
We have earned as much from oil as UAE but why is Dubai like a heaven on earth while we live in abject poverty? The system we operate!
This system allowed some individuals within the corridor of power and friends of the government to take money that is meant for the welfare of the state to buy properties in Dubai. One individual owned 28 houses in Dubai and she is still moving freely about under this system.

20% of the budget goes into the pocket of about 400 people under this system.
Money get missing anyhow under this system
We only pretend to be practising federalism but until we weaken the power and resource control at the centre to make it unattractive, and encourage states and local governments towards self-sustenance we are only deceiving ourselves. Give them power to decide thier fates. Let the people elect a governor which they think can help them grow and if he does not perform compared to other states let them remove him or forever remain poor.
Hardly can any state boast of functioning industries, they have all been converted to churches.
Government-funded schools are dead.
Goverment Hospitals are dead.
Nothing works again! Everything has grinded to a halt.

Corruption is not our problem but the system we operate.
Changing heads of State or Presidents is not our problem but the system we operate.
Our problem started since the time we adopted the unitary system of government and left the continuous leadership of it in the hands of some clueless and greedy elements at the centre.

Not even Jesus can operate effectively under this system.

It is not about who you vote for now but the system.


Thursday 20 November 2014

The Home: Birthplace of Change


1. The home is the first training ground of any child and the birthplace of the change we desire in the world. Ile la ti nko eso r'ode.

2. You carry the critical responsibilty of shaping the lives of your children with good moral values before they step outside into the world. Obi rere a ma fi ogun rere sile fun omo.

3. When you fail to carry out your responsibility, you have only succesfully birthed another problem for the world to manage. Omo ti a o ko, ni yio gbe ile ta ko ta.

4. What they do not learn at home will be taught to them by the society in diverse ways.

5. You cannot delegate this responsibilty to the the teachers in school, as theirs is purely educational.

6. Before any child steps outside the home to mix with the world, they must have atleast learnt the basics such as: love, respect, honesty, dignity, honour, responsibility, and hardwork.

7. Whatever title a child acquires through study cannot substitute for the lack of basic values listed in 6 above. Òto ni iwe, òto ni ogbon ori.

8. The truth a child is taught at home cannot be easily twisted by the society.

9. Do not mind the society that says you are too harsh on your child because their correctional facilities established for ill-trained children inflicts more pains.

10. It is easier to train a child than to correct a man.

There is nothing strange or new in all the points i have mentioned above, but seeing the level of decadence in the society, i simply feel parents need a sort of re-awakening, especially those who have abdicated their responsibilties, and for the aspiring parents to know what is expected of them.

Improve or Quit

As much as i support the entrepreneurial drives in people, i detest mediocrity.

I wonder why people would not perfect their skill in a trade before putting themselves out to be hired?
There is nothing wrong with 'learning on the job', but there is everything wrong with learning on the job where you have been paid the fees of a professional, and where the quality service of a professional is expected.

I have seen so many brides in recent times looked like embalmed corpses on their wedding day thanks to the 'professional' make-up artists that were hired.

It is not only the MUA that i've got problem with, i have issues with event planners, caterers, live band and photographers.
Why do you choose to ruin the best day in the lives of people, a day that cannot be repeated,  all because of your greed and dishonesty?

Aunty Caterer, with your LV apron and Chanel cooking pots, ounje ti o jinna, to ti tutu le n serve ni reception. Despite your huge charges, you can't provide enough food for the number of guests that was agreed with you! You are acting posh at the reception when you should get your hands dirty. Eyin ni won pe si inawo ni? You have been hired to provide a service....get to work! Ko si plates for people to eat and you are too posh to wash! E gerraout joo! E lo wa ise si e ma ba won ta lipstick!

Uncle event planner, packaging lasan le ni. Your second name should actually be 'disappointment'.
Glossy business card osi le n gbe kiri but you can't successfully organise the simplest of any event. Oto lowo hall te gba, oto ni eyi te provide! You run around at the dead of time to get things sorted. You are full of excuses. The only thing you are good at is switching off your phone and making yourself unreachable when things have gone wrong. You have become the no1 wanted man on the list of several clients because of your incompetence. Won ma pa e ni lojo ti won ba mu e!

Mr 'Singa' aloyinlohun, your own wahala is even too much. You turn up late to every show, don't pay your band members, don't have good sound equipment, lack good manners, and above all you can't sing. Iwo to ye ko si wa lehin olorin kan ko ma ba won sa owo, you can't wait to be called a star. Kiakia iwo naa ti lo te card, won ti ba e program 'skoskola' sori yamaha keyboard kan, o ti bere si gba show...orin wa n sa pa e lori....o  n ha mo e lofun. O je lo da irin ise pada ko lo k'ose si!

Mr 'Oluya' the photographer, pre-book leyin ti e ma n ra lenses, you have invested so much in  the gears yet you lack the basic photographic sense. Your charges are crazy (i guess you want to quickly recoup your equipment money) yet your job is shoddy and always VERY LATE. You don't understand how to capture moments, Ko si nka to kan e pelu ISO, shutter speed, lighting etc, photoshop ti baye e je. You photoshopped the bride till she was beginning to look like the husband's Ex! Bi won o ba de ran Sango si e you won't deliver the photos or videos. Iwa oriburuku gba le n hu. O de ye ke ja'wo nibe!

The points i'm trying to make with my rambling are:

1. LEARN YOUR TRADE WELL BEFORE YOU GO ABOUT ADVERTISING YOURSELF TO BE HIRED. You are not being paid that exhorbitant fee to come and use their ceremony as a trainnig field. YOU ARE PAID TO PROVIDE A SERVICE!

2. THERE IS DIGNITY IN TURNING DOWN A JOB ON THE GROUND THAT YOU CANNOT PERFORM AT THE LEVEL EXPECTED OF YOU. Decide this before commiting yourself or being paid the 'advance', that is the purpose of the briefing session you have with the client before the event.
Do you even know that you have already started building a reputation for yourself the day you put yourself on the market? So build well!

Instead of pretending to be what you are not, you can always let the client know that you are still an amateur hence your charges are less, but you promise to do your best! With that in mind, those cheap clients who are always looking for cheap services will know before-hand what they should expect.

E ye ba inawo oninawo je nitori atije ti yin. E lo k'ose si!

And to all of you USERS, who are always looking for cheap services, YOU GET THE SERVICE YOU PAY FOR! Eni nwa'fa, nwa ofo ni!

If you want good service, be ready to pay good money. Shikena!
Research well on the person before you contract them. Don't use farmiliarity or itiju to give a job to somebody when you know they can't perform. Hire someone who'll give you value for your money.


Dis life sef- Smart Gadgets

She approached me with her 'punch screen' mobile phone, 'my dear do you know how to operate this phone?!'

I looked at it, it was a Samsung Note. I nodded, yes.

'What is hot? Something is hot.....' she said handing me the phone.

Trust me, if a person was running a high temperature like that of the phone, they would have been quarantined for ebola virus.

I checked the phone and discovered she had so many unused apps running in the background, so i deleted them all. Turned off the bluetooth and wi-fi which she wasn't also using, and then finally adjusted the brightness.

Then i noticed she had a pending software update...

'Madam, you need to update the software of this phone." I showed her the notification.

'What is that one?" she asked.

'It'll help fix any bug and improve the overall performace of the phone', i answered.

"... my dear i don't need it" she retorted.

Oya madam take your phone.

She left.


People do not use up to 70% functionalities of these gadgets yet they can sell their kidney to buy one. Do you know how many ladies lost their viginities to monkey just to have iphone 6? It's more of "make me sef enjoy the good thing of life o.....make i show off". Imagine people buy ipads just to take to parties and snap pictures.

Dis life sef!

Avoid Toxic Friends

I wonder why people with good future lying ahead of them allow themselves to be misled by the NFAs -No Future Ambitions?!

God has given you a great talent that'll make you succeed in life, but then you surround yourself with toxic friends who has nothing to offer than to poison your dream.

Why do you listen to advice from people who does not share the same values as you?

Se bi won ni egbe eye ni eye nwo to ni? Eagles do not flock with pigeons.

Iwo to ni oko ni'le, o lo n gba imoran lodo eniti oko ti le jade! Imoran ko ni won n fun e o, recruitment ni won nse. So mo wipe eniti ti e ba ti baje a ma wa enia kunra ni. Their advice is like a membership form. To ba ti gba imoran won, o gba form niyen. To ba ti se nkan ti won so fun e, o ti fill form niyen. Ti ise ba ti dahun, ti won le e jade n'ile oko tabi iwo lo le oko re jade nile, o ti di member niyen.

Watch your association
Choose your friends carefully
Protect yourself from every toxic friend

When next you don't know whether what they are telling you to do is right or wrong, just take a look at the life of the person offering you the advice, and ask yourself: 'Se aye eni yi da ju temi lo?' if the answer is no, then refuse the advice. Oro won o ni anfaani to daa kankan to ma se fun e.

To ba je ki awon ajegbodo ba aye e je, iwo lo mo o!!!

Shame on us!

Ankara fabric wey we don get long time but we no appreaciate, na Rihanna come wear am now una come dey talk about am!

We be sick pple walahi! We have lost almost every form of identity we have as a nation, tribe or race.

Burbbery must sell back to us what it's ours before we believe in it, same way we go abroad to import petrol when we have  crude oil in our backyard.

Awa ti ri Versace to nyo owu, yet our folks prefer to splurge on it, while a Nigerian designer who'll do a better job and even sell for cheaper will not be patronised.

The Chinese economy is where it is today because the people believed in themselves. They were their own first customers. China was buying China before the rest of the world played into their hands.

Awa la nse ara wa! A ti ta ara wa lo po, a o de le ri ra ni owon mo.

Friday 10 October 2014



I hope when i get to the top i'll still retain good ears for music
And the beats of the Sycophants i'll refuse to dance
I hope when i get to the top i'll still be able to see clearly
And the dizziness of the height not blur my vision
I hope when i get to the top i'll still be approachable
And remain graceful in sublimity
I hope when i get to the top i'll choose my new friends wisely
And reject the invite of the impious
I hope when i get to the top i'll still be wise
And not stir up hatred with grandiose living
I hope when i get to the top i'll not loosen the strings of my helmet
Reminding myself that the head is the target at the top

Thursday 9 October 2014

Eso Pele


This track is dedicated to Linda Ikeji, a woman who lived like she had no enemies.
I am not here to rejoice over her current predicament, i have nothing to gain from it, i only want to highlight some vital points for the benefit of the rest of us. E sa mo wipe agba to jin si koto, ogbon lo ye ko ko awon to nbo lehin. Unfortunately, we don't usually take our time to study other people's mistakes and learn from them not to repeat the same.
This is the secret behind the man i have become today. I learn from the mistakes and success stories of people. I don't laugh at the downfall of people, rather i critically analyse the things they have done wrong that i need to avoid.
Ko s'eni to gbon tan n'ile aye, gbogbo wa si nko eko ni. In that light of this understanding, i am not writing from the stance of 'Mr Too-sabi' but just sharing valuable lessons which i have learnt from her matter.
Let me begin by establishing these facts:
1. THERE ARE ENEMIES. Don't live your life like you have none. There are people who are hell-bent on pulling you down the moment they realise you are rising.
2. ENEMIES CANNOT GET YOU WITHOUT YOUR INVOLVEMENT. You need to be wiser than your enemies and not play into their hands. The only way they can succeed in their plans over you is when you play into their hands. Keep your cards close to your chest.
The first out of the many errors Linda commited was that she lived like she had no enemies yet we all know how fast she was accumulating them.
Even when these enemies never hid their intentions in bringing her down, she carried on like they never existed until they caught up with her.
Lesson: There are enemies. Do not play into their hands. Always be a step ahead of your enemies.
Secondly, like most Nigerians, Linda had no regard for rules or authority. She lived the life 'who want catch me' forgetting that her kind of business is borderless, and cannot hide behind the curtain of lawlessness and corrupt legal system in Nigeria.
Plagiarism is a serious offence in the western world, but 'no be big deal' for Nigeria.
There is a division wether plagiarism can be an offence on a gossip blog or not. I am not a lawyer but i think yes it is.
The catch in the blogging world is the traffic. News drive traffic. So in essence, taking other people's stories wihout reference, to drive traffic to your site inorder to generate money is an offence.
About 1 or 2 years ago, Ruggedman copied one of my write-ups and passed them off on his twitter page as his. Linda, seeing it was hot, copied all and equally pasted on her blog. Chai!...come and see mad traffic jam. I didn't know this because i don't visit her blog but some friends who read the article earlier on my FB page called my attention to it after they had already scattered the whole place urging both parties to do the needful and give credit to the original owner.
Did any of them respond? NO! They arrogantly called my bluff.
So what did i do? NOTHING!
Lesson: Always learn the rules before you break them. Don't live arrogantly thinking you can get away with everything.
Thirdly, i think Linda's success went into her head and she could no longer think straight.
She left undone what she should have, and was doing things that were not neccessary.
She should have bought a personal domain name and back up her contents knowingfully well that she was on a free site that can be closed anytime.
She was showing off her range of automobiles and Rolex writswatch which was unneccessary.
She could afford a N45m SUV but not a $10 domain. All the domain names relating to hers have been purchased by domain squatters who were thinking far ahead of her. Only God knows how much she'll be asked to pay if she decides to buy one off them.
Her company is not even incorporated so if a big company like Daily Mail, which she palgiarised decided to prosecute her, she'll be personally liable.
She is not the only plagiarist blogger but she was targeted because of how she exposed herself.
Lesson: When one's yam is matured, you don't flaunt it. Just eat it codedly. Apply caution in everything you do.
Ti eniti o de loni la ri. A o mo ti eniti o mbo lola. E je ka fi eyi kogbon.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Respect yourself. You are a guest!

It's unbelivable how quickly people forget the capacity in which they have been invited to a function as soon as they are there, and start to act differently.

If you have been invited as a guest to a baby christening for example, you are there in the capacity of a guest and not as the official photographer.

Now let's look at the difference between the two for the benefits of those who don't know.

Guest:This is defined as someone invited to a particular social occasion.

Official Photographer: This is defined as the person (Pro or semi-pro) assigned by the celebrant or organiser to take photographs at the event.

It is very clear from these definitions that a guest do not have any role at the ceremony other than just to follow the order of event, while the official photographer is also not expected to sit like a guest but rather move around to capture special moments of the day.

Thank God for your tablets, pads and super-mega pixels camera phones, but the truth is you as a guest should not be struggling with the official photographer to take photographs at any social event.
I have been to a social gathering where a fight almost broke out between the official photographer and a stubborn guest who was always getting in his way with her Ipad.

The worst part of it all after taking these pictures, is that you then share them on social media without being asked. That is simply gross!
I have no problem with you sharing the photos of yourself at the event but you do not publicly share those of the celebrants or friends without their permission. Maybe they do not want the pictures of their new born baby in you care?!
You might have UNOFFICIALLY taken some nice shots which you think they'll love to have, try find out other ways of privately sharing these with them. If you don't know these tricks then ask!
Stop putting people's stuffs in public without their permission. Respect the privacy of others.

Likewise as a guest, it is not your role to help the caterers serve food and drinks. They have been paid to do that. Only make requests.
Do not leave your sit to go to the food table unless it is a buffet. And do not go until your table is called.

Do not leave your sit to go to the Dj's table to suggest tracks to him. It is not your duty. You are a guest! If you don't like what the Dj is spinning, TAKE YOUR LEAVE!

When the celebrants are dancing allow them until you are called. Do not go to the dancefloor to help them pick money. You are a guest!

Lastly when you are invited to an event, please do not go with 8 other people whose names are not on the invite given to you. If the host have arranged to feed 200 guests, then you would have single-handedly ruined all the plan by bringing along uninvited folks.
Also if the invite reads "and family", please ask if they mean nuclear or extended before you all turn up in a lorry.

Likewise communicate back to the host if you would not be able to honour the invite. Certain events involve table-booking and all that stuffs, so it is important they know precisely how many people they are expecting.
In this type of gathering, it is very likely that you'll pay for your food (hmm...asa palapala), if you are not sure please ask that you don't chop gbese!



Tuesday 16 September 2014


(Not many people will agree to this, but that is not a problem because it is not for everybody)

Many people don't even know that there is a difference between claiming to be born again and having the fear of God.

You can't be one without the other.
One is a step before the other.

One can be claimed like a title, the other you have to prove in deeds.
One can be potrayed in your outward appearance (type of dressing), the other can only be evident in the way you live your life.

You can't be born again without first having the fear of God.
You can fake to be born again just to have your way with certain people or fit in certain areas. The fear of God is white and black. You either have it or you don't. This is very easy for discerning minds to find out.

The bible says the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Wisdom to know how to LIVE rightly.
Many folks need to learn that first before moving to claiming to be born again.
The term or state of being 'Born again' today has rather become a SCHEME, and its true essence is lost.

One of the essence of being born again is to be an example for unbelievers to emulate. Is this the case today? I don't think so. Infact, the tag nowadays is repulsive to carry around.

Those who really have the fear of God have the wisdom of God. They understand the basics of living rightly, and hardly do they get their hands soiled in immoralties.
They live and let others live.
They do not attempt to reap where they have not sown.
White is white, and black is black to them.
They do not do evil and hide under 'another level of grace' .
This cannot be said with majorities who carry around the badge of 'born again'.

When i wanted to choose a wife, i wasn't looking for a born again sister. I was in search of somebody with a balanced approach to life and who has the fear of God. This is the foundation upon which i believe every other things can be built upon.

When i choose my friends or business associates, i choose people with the fear of God, not neccesarily a born again brother or sister.
I don't go for labels. I go for value.

Please let us go back to the foundation and learn the basics before fighting to become a bishop or establishing a ministry.

So what is the fear of God?

The fear of the Lord is the continual awareness that you are never out of the presence of a holy, just, and almighty God, and that every motive, thought, word, and action is open before Him and will be judged by Him.

I'll close with Psalm 139.

Thursday 11 September 2014

Prayers for the detractors

Do you know that Hamman wasn't even aware that Modecai don't normally join the rest of the people to greet him whenever he's walking past. Awon kan ni won ko ara won jo ti won lo so fun.

They said "oga, do you know that anytime you are coming and all of us are running helter-skelter, Modeccai don't need to punish him"

Awon enia kan wa bee. Awon abaniworan-ba o ri da. Awon igbimo olufisun. Awon a bat'eni je. Awon onimodarun enia.

Mo wa soro ase jade si gbogbo eyin wonyi:
Eyin te n f'imi sun lodo awon to ni agbara lati fi ara ni mi,
Eyin ti e n f'imi sun lodo awon to wa n'ipo lati gbese le eto mi,
Eyin ti e n ba mi je lodo awon to ye ko se mi loore

Eyi ni idajo yin:
Lati oni lo, ki ohun (voice) yin bere si kan (sour) leti gbogbo eda aye.

Mo fi aso ete, abuku, ati ibaje wo yin.

Mo fi ami ikorira si yin lara

E o tun niyi mo.

Paripari e ni yi:

Gbogbo ibaje mi ti e ti wa se sehin, ko bere si ja si igbega fun mi.
Gbogbo ibiti e ro mi ka kiri de, ko di ipolongo oriire funmi.

Bee ni yio ri. Eyi ti mo wi loni, ase orun ti gun. O de ti se bee!


A short prayer for the wicked strongholds

Awon to nse bi oba lori aye mi
Awon ti a o gbe ase aye mi le lowo sugbon ti won n pase
Awo to ni niwon igbati awon ba si n mi o ku ibiti ma gbe gba
Emi Mimo ro wo l'oye ki won ye se bi oba mo.
Gba ase ti won nlo lori aye mi kuro lowo won
Niwon igbati won ti pinnu wipe anfani to fun won lati wa laaye, idiwo ni awon yio fi je funmi, Oluwa je ki won fi inira l'ogba
Bi won ba nmi afefe si'mu, ko gbodi lara won
Bi won ba nte ile m'ole, ko gbona mo won
Je ki ibisun won ko di eegun (thorns)
Je ki ile won ko di ahoro
Je ki ireti won l'aye ko pare
Ninu igbe kike ni won ba wa s'aye, je ki won fi igbe inira jade laye
Ninu agbara eje ni won ba wa s'aye, je ki won ba inu agbara eje jade laye
Oorun aye won, je ko wo l'osan gangan.

Ase orun ti a ti fifun mi je ko bo sori adura yi ko de se bee!

Bi o ba wa je wipe emi naa fi ojumo ojo kankan fi gbero bi ti elomiran yio se baje laise lairo, OLUWA DAKUN MA GBO ADURA TI MO GBA YI.

Stop chasing the wind

At least the craze of everyone wanting to be a fashion designer/label owner has now died down a bit.

Those that joined because they think money is in it have now realised that it's only passion that keeps you going.

The talentless ones that joined with the intention of ripping off other people's designs have now realised that the process is as tedious as waiting for a crab to blink.

Those who thought the tag 'fashion designer' will make them an overnight celebrity have now realised how tough it is to get accepted.

Most have now realised how hard it is to change the mind of customers who are already locked to certain brands to part with their hard-earned cash to purchase the product of an unknown brand.

Many only got attracted by the surface glamour which i call 'shine-shine'. None actually thought about all the other complex processes like: creating designs, fabric sourcing, finding and dealing with manufacturers, meeting deadlines, promotion, selling, legal issues and most importantly funding.

It is a very dangerous thing to jump on the bandwagon of any venture which you have no passion, talent, knowledge or calling for. You are doomed to fail if you do.
Don't do a thing because it is popular. Do it because you have something different to offer.

Meet the Awardees

Goodmorning ladies and gentlemen.

Can you please give a round of applause to these people as i call them to step forward to receive their awards:

1. Worship leaders who are too gifted to back-up.

2. Church workers who are only active when the senior pastor is around.

3. Senior pastors or G.Os who are too anointed to join in the worship. They sit in the office waiting for a signal from their protocols when it's the right time for them to walk into the auditorium like a wrestling champion.

Thank you.....thank you...keep clapping for them....keep clapping.



I don't exactly know when Aso-ebi was first introduced, but i know the inception of the practice can be traced back several years to the time of our great-grand fathers. The idea then was to use the Aso-ebi during family celebrations to identify the in-laws and the iyawo-iles.
I also cannot categorically say how much was spent on these clothes but i know, from the ones i witnessed while growing up that the cost was modest.

The Aso-ebi practice of this dispensation is a complete deviation from the original intention of the creators. What is going on today is a demonstration of extreme level of lunacy.

Lunacy in the exhorbitant prices of these Aso-ebi. The recent one i heard is N300,000 (£1000). This is excluding the cost of accessories to match the outfit!
Lunacy in the extent people go to have the Aso-ebi. Some borrow money or take it on credit.
Lunacy in the preferential treatment meted out to invited guests at the ceremony: "Eni to wo ankara lo ma je Semo". "O r'aso, o gba take-away".
Lunacy in the struggle to buy all the Aso-ebi for all the parties you are invited to just to show that you are a socialite.

In spite of all the shortcomings of this practice, i must commend the ingenuity behind the idea of the celebrant using it to finance the cost of the party.
I am of the opinion that this is the reason why it is a do or die affair with both the celebrant and the attendees. The celebrant is stylishly fund-raising, while the Aso-ebi-wearing guest will let all hell loose on the day of the ceremony if told that "jollof rice don finish" or the request for a change of meat is turned down. You must 'eat' your aso-ebi.

There seems to be no cure in sight for this madness anytime soon; infact every party is now used to set a new price standard for the next Aso-ebi.
The question i ask myself is why would i want to spend N300,000 (£1000) on a fabric that is not exclusive to me? 100s other people will wear the same on the day! I am even beginning to feel that people are charm-talked into buying.
To be honest, the winners in this game are the celebrants and fabric wholesalers.

I am not condenming the practice in its entirety, afterall it has been in existence before i was even born. As a creative designer, i love the styles some people come up with, especially the ladies, and the glamour it adds to the event. I am simply against the extreme to which we have taken it.

Aso-ebi should not be a mandatory ticket to enter and eat at a ceremony.
People do not have to sell their kidneys to be able to afford aso-ebi.
You do not have to buy aso-ebi to prove anything. You have nothing to prove to anybody in life. Just live!
You do not have to sell aso-ebi to fund your party. If you cannot afford to host a party then forgerrit!

Listen to this: It is called Aso-Ebi (Clothes for relatives). So i think except you are the celebrant's REAL relative you have no business buying ASO-EBI anyway.




Wednesday 10 September 2014

SOS: A cry to the good people

So the saying is true that "the world won't be destroyed by evil doers but by the good people who stand and watch."

Why are the intellectuals in Nigeria running away from politics?
This non-participating stance of theirs have left room for some uninspiring and morally-deprived individuals to hijack the process.

The so-called Nollywood stars who could not come up with sensible scripts for a 90-minute video are coming out to contest for public offices that'll require them to formulate policies for the next 4-8years!

How do we expect a musician who could not write intelligent materials for a 4-minute song to provide meaningful contribution towards the progress of the country when elected into office?

I know these individuals are merely excercising their entitled rights as citizens of the FRN and i have no problem with that, but this is a sign that the rot in our system has eaten deep beyond remedy.
I mean we are talking of individuals who could not manage their industries. People who could not inspire the society positively with their arts. People who have abused their roles of influence to further confuse the youths and plunge the society into moral abyss.

You can easily gauge their intentions by looking at the positions they are gunning for. They have all set their sights at the National Assembly while the very audacious ones amongst them are contesting the governorship, without any political experience. What do you even need political experience for in Nigeria when all you need to do is find a strong political father who'll foist you on the weak and gullible Nigerian voters.
None wants to even start from the grassroot!

These questionable characters are not better than the politicians themselves. This is not the change we are talking about. They are only joining politics because they have ruined their industries and are now jobless and hungry. Their Nollywood celebrity status don't command much respect anymore, they need something bigger and stronger.

This absurdity must stop!

Good people need to rise up and save the Nation.

Tuesday 19 August 2014


I remember back in the days when parents, teachers, pastors, alfas etc declared war against black rubber wristband A K A 'Black Power'. Those who witnessed this era will know what i am talking about. It was really bad!

Some 20 years after, in a country where
the Presi is a zoologist, Vice, an Architect, and several Special Assts within the corridor of power are PhD holders, the cure or let say, the containment of the deadly Ebola virus was left in the hands of the 'anti-black power' movement who at their best can only come up with a solution like: "Use a mixture of salt, alum, palm-oil and hot water to bath at 12midnight".

While the political leaders and those who should know better are busy scoring cheap political points by publicly bathing in anti-bacterial hand sanitizer, the satanic bloggers who will do anything to drive traffic to their sites took advantage of the silence of information to further spread the confusion.

The religious charlatans capitalised on the fear created by the whole situation to sell their wares: anointing oil, hankie, body cream etc, and to also initiate programmes and conventions to further fleece their members.

You can blame Sawyer. I blame the system.

Friday 15 August 2014

Na my food; Allow me abeg

So because somebody with influence can't stand the sight of 'wet bread' he/she then used that same influence to say it is wrong to dip bread inside tea when eating, and it became widely accepted as one of the many sins of table manners.

Which kain thing be dis? Why must somebody tell me how to chop my chop?

So make i dey chop dry bread like that....una want make i choke?
The tea and the be inside the same belle dem dey go? Dem no go still mix? The bread no go still wet?

Una no dey dunk bread inside stew/soup?

Infact dem even say it is RUDE make i dey drink tea with while the spoon is still left inside my cup!
I ask why? Dem say because i fit mistakenly swallow my spoon or use am comot my eyes?!
Dem even tell me how to properly stir my tea: ' Place your tea spoon at the six o'clock position and softly fold the liquid towards the twelve o'clock position two or three times'. WHO GET TIME FOR DIS KAIN RUBBECH?!

It is even a sin to use spoon drink my tea! So make i no use sense test wether the thing don cool down or not abi? Make i just use faith drink am come burn all my mouth?!


Please allow me to address this issue of class status, dinning etiquette, social protocols, morals etc.

In the Victorian Era, the upper class represented a status of birthright. It was not a social state one could achieve by economic or financial rights. One has to be born into it. These are the Abisades, Abisinuolas, Abisoyes etc. People within this class are educated differently. They have standards as to how one behaved and was received within their social circle.

What we have today is what i call adultrated upper class. This consist of people who has transformed themselves into the upper class through thier economic or financial status by hook or by crook. These are the Olowolagbas, Olowookeres, Ajirobas, Fiwagboye etc.
Permit me to say at this junction that these are not the true upper class for which the social protocols and etiquette of the Victorian era apply to. Wahala lasan ni won ko ara won si. No level of adherence to these rules can even turn them into the real upper class.

Let me also say it loud and clear here that social protocols and ettiqutte are not synonymous with morals or ethics.
Someone who is well-mannered may not have any morals, whilst a highly ethical person may not have the command of any social graces.
So i ask which is more important? Learning the correct manner of how to stir your cup of tea or well-mannered to treat others with dignity and respect?

I would hope that true class transcends one's economic or financial status, race, creed and color.

(Dipping things continue mi o r'aye osi).

Monday 28 July 2014

Work your Faith


A farmer who has not done any planting but have faith like the size of an Elephant will have no harvest. (Emi ni mo so be)

Faith has its place. Work has its place.

Your part God will not do. His part you cannot do.

When situation that requires the use of commonsense are pinned on faith then wahala ma wa o.

You think i am getting controversial now abi? I know you can't wait to bombard me with series of bible passages like prov 3:5-6, Ish 55:8-9, 1Cor 1:25 etc but wait and hear me out before you crucify me.

I am a very spiritual person myself but i think common sense and faith should be complementary. Infact experience has taught me overtime that the reason why so many spiritual people struggle in their physical lives is because they have laid aside their sense of reasoning.
Many have been brainwashed to the point of feeling guilty for using their common sense. I am sure some of you have met these type of spiritual people whose physical lives are messed up.

These people know everything about prayer, faith and God (which is a good thing), but they have completely ignored the principles guiding this physical world we live in. These principles can only be channeled through the use of our common sense.
These principles once violated have no regard for your level of spirituality whether you are born again or not. You will face the full consequences.
God stuffed our skull with something called brain for a purpose; and that is to MAKE USE OF IT. The use of it will allow you obey some principles and make good sound judgements which will in turn help you live longer, healtheir, be above debts, have a peaceful home and ultimately stop praying some senseless prayers.

When you have faith you must also have WISE actions. It is high time you stopped all these senseless 'faith confessions' when you won't apply the principle of common sense when it matters.
Examples are: "i claim my marriage by faith" yet your attitude stinks and you are not approachable. Even if you eventually get married you won't last in that home.
"i claim my promotion by faith" yet every work appraisal points to the fact that you are very lazy" . Tell me how you want to be promoted? Yet a colleague who is not even a christian will get promoted simply because he/she is diligent.

Common sense tells me i need to get a job or start that project before i can get financial breakthrough and NOT giving  the little i have to a pastor in return for a miracle handshake that will suddenly open a floodgate of cash.
Common sense tells me if my genotype is AS i should avoid a partner with AS so that we don't risk having a child with SS which will cause the home so much pain and eventual loss.
Commonsense tells me i need to be prudent with my finances  and embark on projects that are within my financial means or else i risk ending up with debts that i won't be able to pay off.
Common sense tells me that even if God has said i will become a great surgeon i have a part to play. I won't just walk into a hospital and asked to be allowed to operate patients by faith. I need to attend a medical school to be properly trained!

Exercising extreme faith while excluding common sense (which is a main characteristic of wisdom) can be detrimental. It can simply be like the case of Folorunso to nfi okun ògèdè gun òpe.

I rest my case.

Friday 20 June 2014


(At the Governo-dential debate)

Host: One final question for you sirs. We noticed that you have both adopted the same strategy to get votes, and that is by giving out to the people. It is interesting also to know that you both have been giving out same type of item but in different forms and this is where we want to focus on.
What influenced your decisions?
Is there a coded message embedded in how you have decided to give these gifts?

I'll start with your excellency....

'Yemi: Thank you gentleman. I have decided to give out food to the people of my state because that is the one of the basic needs of man. The people are hungry and there is a yoruba saying that a hungry man is not interested in any other that need must be met first before any other thing. It's as simple as that.
However, there are strong messages i am passing out to the people by the method i have chosen to meet this need.
1. I gave out cooked jollof rice. This means i am going to give them ready-made solutions. They should just relax and we'll do everything.
2. I served them this food myself to show the exceptional leadership qualities i possess. I am a humble man, a leader who is ready to come down to the position of a servant, an approachable leader, a leader by example.

Host: Thank you sir your excellency. So the people should expect a government with ready-made answers, led by a humble leader. Thank you.

Now over to you sir Otunba. What do you want the people to know....What is the message?

'Yose: Thank you o jare young man. It is true the people have a need but is it one plate of rice that will satisfy that need? Haba! Will they have to queue again the next day for another plate of jollof rice? What type of governement provides a solution that will not last for his people?

1. I gave out uncooked rice in bags for them to take home and cook at their own convenience. This shows i am including them in the governance of the state. The government alone cannot do everything for the people.
2. The size of the bag is handy for each of them to carry without inconvenience this shows we'll not saddle them with too much responsibility to kill them all in the name of serving them.
3. The quantity of the rice is such they will not consume at a go but will last them as long as they can manage. This is telling them that resources are to be prudently managed. You don't consume everything 'phi-am' just like that otherwise you'll go hungry before the next supply comes.

Host: I know the people of this state are intelligent and I hope they'll apply the same level of intelligence when voting.
Thank you sirs for coming on to this show. We have now come to the end of this programme, thank you viewers for watching and have a nice evening.

Tuesday 17 June 2014


I passed around when this photoshoot was taking place, and just at the perfect moment i was able to capture this shot which, after careful thoughts, decided to name ROLES.

To the ordinary eyes, this is just a regular picture but looking at the different characters it features all in one go, i feel it's more than ordinary.

The world is a stage where all the men and women are merely players.
Each one of us have our plays, roles, times, exits and entrances.

The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional role within the society and then do it.
Some create moments, some capture these moments to ensure they are not lost.
Some other people's role is to protect the moments and prevent them from being tampered with. While some are just on-lookers, the rest are cut off entirely from these moments not aware of whatever is happening around them.

One needs something to believe in, something for which one can have whole-hearted enthusiasm. One needs to feel that one's life has meaning, that one is needed in this world.

Find your fit.


Friday 6 June 2014


Ki eniti o sese nlo s'ogun ma soro bi eniti o ti t'ogun de.

If you have not being there, DON'T TALK LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT GOES ON THERE.

So many quotable quotes we say but we don't really understand, and when it even matters we can't make use of them.
So many advises we give but we have never found ourself in the position of the victim to know if they are practicable or not.

We sometimes wonder why people do what they do; we stand at a distance and judge: "....o se ma behave beyen?", "....i mean kii se iru e yen lo ye ko soro beyen...",  "mo wa disappointed". You see it's so easy to say all sorts of bullcrap because Eni ija o ba lo npe ara re l'okunrin.

You don't know what it feels to suffer a loss, so it is very convenient for you to berate a man whose mother was killed by a crocodile for over-reacting.
You don't know what it feels like not to know where the meal for the day is going to come from so it is very ok for you to come up with some scriptural quotes to gas a skint fellow up thinking that will meet their needs, and then later condemn them when you hear they were caught stealing. Why don't you wait until you find yourself in that situation before you know how you'll handle it.

Omo to gba odo naa k'awe, ibiti o ka ni ko jade ninu idanwo. If the equation 1+1 of your life is equals to 2, congratulations to you but don't look at the other dude whose answer is 3 as a boob. Always remember, there are other factors involved. When these factors are not yet included in your equation you'll always seem the genius.

The battles of the mind, dem are the real battles. They are tough because they are fought, won or lost alone!

Monday 2 June 2014

Beneath the Glitz

I took this picture yesterday and after some self-reflection the unglamorous truth about our modern world was laid bare to me.

Beneath the glitz lies a dark life. A life of despair masked by luxurious facade. The more you scratch this surface, the more you discover it is superficial with a huge difference between the packaged life and the actual.

The savage tempo of our modern society is making it increasingly hard for people to keep it real. Countless people in the world secretly fake their fabulous livestyles. They are always somewhere very beautiful, lounging at poolside, in expensive designer gears, flying private jets, riding fast cars, and living in huge houses.
You may be out of sync with reality if you think they have it all, and you equally don't know what you are asking for when you pray to have their lives, because beneath all the brag lies pain, frustration, loneliness, sickness, divorce, low self-esteem, debts, and sordid secrets that must be kept away from the press.

It is the disconnection from this reality that is constantly pushing the wannabes into all sorts of trap in an attempt to attain this spurious eminence.
The closer you are to wealth and fame, the higher the pressure to succeed and impress. In reality the earning at this level is not enough to cover the lifestyle you are expected to live. The only possible way out is to become close to the 'underground economists', these are people whose businesses thrive based on who they pretend to be friends with. The likes of fashion designers, restaurant/club owners, publicists, event organisers etc., who are ready to exchange free goods/services for camera time with the VIPs.

The end will always be the same for all who tread this duplicitous path- depression, substance abuse, imprisonment, mental breakdown, suicide and mysterious death.

"When you look at others with their lands and gold (thinking they have it all)
Before you start to pray to have their lives;
Count your many blessings wealth can never buy,
And it'll surprise you how far better you are than them"

Treat life with respect and maturity.


Wednesday 14 May 2014

The SMS: (Sharp guy VS the other sharp guy)

Sharp guy: Bros..can you pls quickly arrange N5k glo credit for me. I am in d Sambisa forest looking for those girls & dey dnt sell anywhr arnd here. Pls it is urgent. I need to inform d govt of my discoveries.....

Other sharp guy: My guy that is to say you are still very much at the entrance of the never enter wellwell. If you waka go down down well or ask any of the terrorists for the house of the wife dey sell. We don pass dat side wey u dey o.....


Ogun awon àna; ogun buruku ni! (Yoruba Version)

Looto ni oro awon agba to so wipe "Aya (tabi oko) buruku dun fe, (awon) àna buruku ni enia o gbodo ni." Tabi ki n tun so wipe "ile buruku ni enia o gbodo ti lo yan aya tabi oko."

Eyin enia mi, ogun buruku ni ogun awon ana! Eni ba kan lo le so. Awon ile ti enia kii jebi ki o to ko agbako, awon ile ti awon obi tabi egbon eniti a fe ti n fe so ara won di apase. Awon ni won fe so ohun ti e ma je, aso ti e ma wo, owo ti e gbodo ma fun won, ile iwe ti awon omo yin gbodo lo, igbati e gbodo jade, ibiti e gbodo lo, igbati e gbodo sun.
Aimoye ajosepo loko-laya to dun ni awon enia ibi won yi ti da omi ikoro si.

Pelu awon iriri ti mo ti ri ati awon eyi ti mo ti fi eti mi gbo, ojoojumo ni mo ma fi n dupe ore ti Eledua se funmi pelu awon ana oloorire ti o funmi. Be naa ni mo nba aya mi dupe wipe oun naa ri ile rere ya si. Ko ri iyonu bo ti wu ko kere mo.
Mo wa fi ola asiko yi gbadura fun awon ti ko ni ibale okan latari ogun ile oko tabi aya wipe, gbogbo awon aninilara yin ni inira yio de ba. Eniti o ba ni ohun yio ma fooro emi yin, ki Edumare o da guguru wahala sinu agbada fun ki o ma yan. Mo pe olugbeja eniti o lagbara lati dide fun iranlowo yin.
Lati asiko yi lo, e o ni isinmi. Gbogbo igi ti arigisegi won ba tun ti se lati wakati lo, ori ara won ni won o fi ru.

Imoran ranpe ti mo ni fun awon apon ti ko ti laya, ati awon omidan ti won n wa oko ni wipe, e yan re o! E wo ile te fe wo ki e to gbo'ri wole. E ma t'ori ife k'agbako! E se iwadi iru awon apere to mbe ninu ile ti e fe wo. E ma se akiyesi iwa awon ebi yii daadaa bi e ba ti ni oore ofe lati wa pelu won. E ni ifura bi won se n huwa si yin tabi soro si yin. E ma kan ranju sile bi oko olopa lasan, e fi riran!
Pabanbari re patapata ni wipe E GBADUA!!! E be Eledua ki o tan imole si gbogbo ibiti o ba sokunkun.

Bi e ba si aya tabi oko fe, o si sunwon. Bi enia ba si ile ya bi eniti o mu majele ti n pani diedie ni.

Oro mi o ju bayi lo. Ka tun fi ayo pade.



O ti pe ti mo ti gbo 'God says..' all i hear these days are: 'papa says', 'Daddy says', ' according to the G.O', etc
Infact some worship leaders sef dey sing-praise their pastors during praise & worship.
Some recruit pastors even go as far as talking the way these leaders talk....copy their hairstyle, mode of dressing etc.
No wonder ti awon adari yin ns'iwa hu. Eyin le fa o. Eyin le ko ba won.

Erm...let me quickly check the definition of paganism in the dico.
Mo n pada bo.

Brush, don't rinse

For several years i have been treating toothpaste like bathing soap. Wash and rinse out thoroughly.

I only discovered that you only spit after you brush and not rinse. Rinsing washes away the flouride which is meant to protect your teeth.

So me feeling like some Albert Einstein who has just made a discovery that'll save the planet then proceeded to lecture my wife only for her to tell me SHE ALREADY KNOWS...and infact she doesn't rinse for Iremide.
Which Iremide?....the same boy i make sure rinses his mouth thoroughly while bathing him?!

The Parable of Solomon Grundy

Solomon Grundy,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Grew worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
That was the end,
Of Solomon Grundy.

This story does not belong to Solomon Grundy alone, but also anyone who does not possess the annoiting needed to fulfill his/her destiny in life.
When the annoiting to take you to your next level is absent, the next thing that happens is that you EXPIRE.

There are several talented people whose destinies have been wasted and such indivividuals reduced to nothing. So you see in my short sojourn in life, i know of a fact that talent is not enough to succeed because you are faced with powers, forces, conspiracies, high-level wickedness who are assigned to frustrate and waste destinies. 

There is no better way to put it- you need annoiting to fulfil your destiny in life. QED.
Jesus Christ was only able to overcome all forms of opposition and fulfil his mission on earth because of the power of the annoiting- Luke 4:18.
Jesus knew the importance of this power of annoiting hence he told his disciples to tarry until this power comes upon them, he knew withou this power they'll just be roaming about the street. And you know what happened when the power came upon them...

The idea of the annoiting we have today is the wrong one. The type of annoiting we see today are the 'rehearsed' ones where you shake your body and do one kain one kain while singing so that you look like you are in the 'spirit'. Iro nla!
So what i am saying in essence is that, the results you produce shows whether you are annoited or not....not the gymnastics you display.

Annoiting gives you the ability to function supernaturally. It gives you victory over oppositions. It immunes your destiny against the attacks of destiny wasters.

You need to cry to God to release upon you the annoiting to live up to your potentials.

Agbara o loun o nile wo, o n'ile ni o ni gba fun.

Awon omooba nrin nile, eru mbe lori eshin. Error nla ni.

Ma gba o!


Abeg align sharply


How can i be praying for blessing when my activity here on earth is different from the record they have of me in heaven?

Heaven's blessing is only upon such lives that are lived to fulfil destiny not those lived for the sake of survival.

Òrun ò laanu to ba ti di oro ayanmo. No amount of prayer and fasting can move the heaven to bless a life that is operating outside the ordained blueprint.

God is not deaf nor weak, emi ni mo ni lati align. Eda to ba ngbe igbe aye ti ko ba ayanmo re mu ko le ni abayo!

If you have not gotten past this stage you haven't started to LIVE.

Get up from your praying mat- go and discover your purpose because therein lies the currency called blessing.

The Presi in class

Expert: Your Excellency sir, i'll be taking you through your answers in preparation to face the international media on the state of the nation.
Sir, the first and the most important thing you have to work on is your body language. This goes a long way in the whole process. So you have to appear confident. Sit relax. Look straight at the interviewer when answering. Never take your eyes off the camera.

Presi: why?

Expert: Because it'll appear you are lying if you don't. Eye contact is very important your excellency.

Presi: Na wa o. Issorait...i'll try sha.

Expert: Your Excellency, we'll move straight to the questions now.
Remember, you are god. You have the power in your hands be firm in your responses and don't fall for any manipulation.

Presi: If i am asked about corruption what do i tell them?

Expert: Looking straight into the camera, in a relaxed but firm tone, tell them that the people are only over-reacting and mixing things up. Tell them the people are confusing stealing with corruption.

Presi: What is the difference?

Expert: Your excellency, explain to them that stealing is taking what does not belong to you and corruption is trying to cover it up. You run a transparent government so nothing is covered up. Also, nobody has stolen anything because the economic minister has counted all the money in the treasury and nothing is missing. Assure the international community not to listen to any rumour.

Presi (grinning excitedly): Hmmm...very good! Very good!
Can we have some break now. Let's drink something before we continue.

Expert: Your excellency can we just treat one more question before we go on break....

Presi: down na. No rush...i need time to memorize this one.
Let's drink something....

(To be continued)

Monday 5 May 2014

Portharcourt Degree

(Satan watching the Workers' rally on May 1)

The presi while delivering his speech condemned the World Bank's report which ranked Nigeria among the five poorest countries in the world as false.

Presi: ...Nigeria is not a poor country. Nigerians are the most travelled people in the world. There is no country in the world you go that you will not see Nigerians there.
During my recent state visit to Kenya, i participated in a programme organized for Nigerian and Kenyan businessmen to interact. The number of private jets that landed in Nairobi owned by Nigerians that day was a subject of discussion in the Kenyan media for over a week.
If you talk about ownership of private jets, Nigeria will be among the first 10 countries in the world. Yet, they are saying that Nigeria is among the five poorest countries.
There are some Nigerians who need help and they are given a certain amount of money and they would not even regard it important to say thank you.
If the same Nigerian were to travel to other countries and give such an amount to others, they would celebrate him forever...

After the speech satan started clapping...

(Mirudin speaking softly)

Mirudin: My lord sir can i ask a question?

Satan: Yes what is that?

Mirudin: What is the meaning of that 'Ph.D' they always write at the end of his name?

Satan: It means Portharcourt Degree.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Sorry, studio closed until further notice

Egungun to ba koko jo iran lo ma wo gbehin.
It's gone all quiet on the 9ja music scene recently.
Ori awon boys ti gbe....
ko s'orin mo.
Ati eniti o lo gbarada, ati eyiti o je ahon enia for inspiration...nothing dey happen again.
Beats have been over-used
Hooks have been over-used
Lines/lyrics have been over-used
Dance steps have been exhausted

Since these talentless mofos cannot reason on their own, i see them waiting for somebody to go out there and hustle and bring something new again for them to 'dub'. But until that happens everything is at standstill.

In the meantime......

Dem don wrap their fake blings inside used newspaper sprinkled with dustin powder make im no rust.
They are running out of cash....and some of dem don return to their original profession-yahooing.
Even dem video vixens sef no get call ups again and majority of dem dey Dubai now where dem dey practise their other profession- Olosoing
Most of the beatmakers who call themselves producers are now DJ-ing in clubs and ikomos nigbati ko si ise mo.
It's however a good thing for Clarence Peters because im get time now to service im over-used cameras...and also get himself some sleep.
The satanic bloggers no too dey affected as boko-something people and activities within the presidency are keeping them going.

But wait o, i see some of dem running to the studio soon to sing about the bomb blast. Bookmark this page ....but until then, i like this peace we are having.

Let's po po po po- po po-po po something!

Wrong diagnosis, wrong treatment

Many folks think the problem with Nigeria is easy to solve, and even so the solution is in talking.

We are not speaking the same language to start with so how can we even undertand ourselves?
We are divided on so many fronts and we are simply forcing things to work.
We need to go back to the basics. Our problems are fundamentals.
Even if we must go to war we need to know the real reason(s) for it.
This type of change is difficult and painful but long-lasting. We need to retrace our steps back to those points where we have fallen. We cannot just carry own as if nothing has happened or that things will fix itself. Only a system that is properly set-up have that self-correcting tendecy and ours is not one.

I am of the opinion that the people at the confab should actually be given a different assignment of looking for the grave site of Lord Luggard to tell him the outcome of the failed project he created. I think that will be a better use of the N12m allowance being wasted on each delegate.

We  have only been treating the cancer that has eaten deep into our system with an antiseptic cream at the costs of proper cancer treatment.

NIGERIA: Why nothing is working

When you have the opportunity to work in a place where intricate processes are put together with dedicated people behind it to make  a complex system function effectively, then you'll easily give up on our beloved country.

Can we create such a system?
- Yes, we have intelligent minds who can sit down and come up with such plans.

Where are these people?
- They are scattered all over the world helping other countries build up their systems in exchange for the basics which our country could not provide for them.

If we set up these processes, can we get the right people behind it to make it work?
- No, because the words 'dedication' and 'service' have been ripped out of the dictionary of an average Nigerian. Every position now is used for personal and not collective gains.

Why can't we come together as one people with one voice to create a system that works?
- The reason for this is because the cabals in our society eats from a non-functioning system. They'll go broke the moment the system begins to run smoothly.

These are the reasons why nothing is working- Power, Refineries, Telecommunication, Health, Education, Security, Transport etc., and i see nothing working for an indefinite future.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Business or Busyness

I saw this while going about my own business.

This is what we call "oga ta, oga o ta, owo alaaru a pe".

While this type of attitude seem harmless to those who have it, because they get paid nevertheless, the danger is that it makes them useless at handling their own things because bo ba se se nkan oninkan naa lo se ma se tire.

From mis-management of resources entrusted to you to mis-use of position/trust....all add up to how you run your own personal lives. No wonder some people cannot manage their own private business succesfully despite having several years of working experience.

It is true that some bosses are not worth dying for (i have been there), but you have a choice: Stay there and PERFORM or QUIT if you are not being motivated.
Let me add that this apply even where your service is rendered free of charge. Give it your best shot...not with the attitude of 'afterall i'm not getting paid'.
Whatever your hands find to do, do it well.

So many lives look busy but little results are seen.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

ARSENAL: Things fall apart

At Arsenal's trainning ground before Wenger's arrival

Poldoski and Giroud posing for pictures with the team's photographer

Arteta practising backpass

Sagna talking to Mert and Scezney about his summer move

Flamini sprinting around the pitch with Chamberlain

Carzola and Ramsey ball joggling

Vermalene, gibbs and Monreal gossipping about Diaby and his injuries

Kallstrom on the phone

Bendtner reading a mag

Rosicky had his headphones on

Sonogo and Fabiaski lying down at a corner

(Wenger arrives)

Wenger: Hey guys what is happening here?

(no reply from anyone)

Wenger: Ok get together everybody. We have a match on Saturday and this is not how to prepare.

(Every gathers around)

Wenger continues....

Who are we playing on Saturday?

All chorused: we don't know boss

(Wenger reaches for his diary to check)

We are playing Wigan and according to what i have written down here, it is the FA semi-final.
So get the bibs....yellow to the right side, green to the left.

I want you to pass, move, pass move, pass, move....

Same as we do it but i want it quicker.....

Blows whistle pooooooooooo!!!!

Nollywood and white skin

I think these nollywood movie producers should warn their camera crew to reduce the amount of light they shine on our actresses at location....all of dem don turn to oyinbo finish.
Biko! We no get dark skinned actresses for naija again. A young actress (talented or not) after appearing in 2 movies will suddenly turn yellow in the 3rd one. The ones that are already yellow are turning white.

Ina yen ti poju.....e jowo e ba reduce e!!!!


Each time i pick up my device to write about the soka horror, i don't type more than 2 lines before i get overwhelmed with emotion and drop it. Talk of another level of wickedness!

I have tried so hard to put my thoughts together but all i come up with are questions. I won't bother asking these questions because i know nobody have got answers to them so let's leave it.

According to report, the first step the governor of the state took after visiting the site was to issue an instruction that caterpillar be moved to the site to destroy the place. I thought this man was educated for godsake! Destroy a crime scene just like that?! Is that ignorance, or a move to show the angry populace that the government is active or there is something they want to hide?
Well, the police chief halted the demolition until the police findings are over, which i think is the proper procedure even though naija police investigation get as e be.

Anyway the latest now be say forensic experts from UCH are conducting investigation at the crime scene which also is a positive move but the question is (in Asari Dokubo's voice) "wetin dem wan compare their findings against?" Which database we get wey dem wan use process the bones, fingerprints etc to find out who is who?

So far so good the only arrests made according to the police PR are security operatives of nearby sites.

Leaders in Nigeria are so wicked that they cannot be exonerated from deliberate attempt to destroy evidence in a situation like this. Likewise the populace are not enlingthened enough to know how to treat a crime scene and be calm while investigation continues. This type of place quickly becomes a tourist attraction with all manners of business ventures established immediately. Pure water and gala sellers, areas boys and fathers establishing gates and collecting viewing fees etc.
The police also have no form of crowd control technique other than shooting. Reports have it that a woman was killed by the police at the scene.
As complex as our problems might look, the only solution lies in the basic approach adopted by other developed countries which worked (and is still working) for them.

I am only sorry in advance for the innocent folks that'll soon be arrested and paraded as the soka criminals....

Monday 31 March 2014

At the Palm-wine joint

Ni ile emu:

Drinker 1: Eyin ore, o dabi wipe Olayiwola ni yio wole ninu eto ibo to nbo yi o...a be ri bi okiki re se gba gbogbo ilu kan ni?

Drinker 2: Emi o faramo Olayiwola o. Sebi e mo wipe Omo olowo ni Olayiwola, ko de mo ede ti mekunu nso. Iya le fe fi je ara ilu bi e ba fi omo ola ti ko ji'ya ri s'ipo ase.

Drinker 3: Adisa le mi ti e dibo fun. E sa mo wipe a jo lo sile iwe ni....

Drinker 2: (cuts in) Ewu gidi ni bi e ba dibo fun Adisa!
...Adisa omo oju or'ola ri ti nja'po s'aya... Se lo ma ba ipo ola je.

Drinker 1: Ogbeni, oro re su mi o. Gbogbo won lo n bu enu ate lu. O ni omo olowo o da, won tun mu omo talaka o tun fariga.....ta wa lo to si?

Drinker 2: Ariyo ilufemiloye ni eniti ipo naa to si ti gbogbo ara ilu naa si mo. Bi e ba fi omo olowo s'ipo ase, iya yio je mekunu beeni bi e fi ipo ola to omo talaka le'nu wo yio baraje.

Drinker 3:  Ilu o fe Ariyo o jare! Bi be ko ni, kilode ti ko wole lati igbati o ti ndupo naa?

Drinker 1: Ohun ti emi gbo ni wipe awon enia so wipe o lahun.

Drinker 2: Olooto, olopolo pipe, onirele, ati eniti o ni iberu Olorun ni Ariyo.
Ariyo ko lahun. Awon oloye lo ya onijekuje ati ika. Se e de mo wipe eniti ko ba ti k'owo fun awon oloye ko le ri ona lo.
Ariyo kii gba beeni kii funni ni abetele....eyi ni isoro to ga ju lo ti Ariyo ni.

Drinker 1: Iru eni to niru iwa daadaa bayi la nwa n'ipo ninu ilu sugbon o s'eni laanu wipe iru won ni kii de'be.
Kii la wa le se si oro yi bayi, se ba o se ma wo niyi?
Oro ilu wa yi ma to'ju su ni o.

Friday 28 March 2014

State of the nation

As everything be now, nobody com serious again not even the coat of arms.

See the eagle dey fly kite
One horse dey make call
The other one dey play candy crush

Who will rebuild the ruins of the wall of Nigeria?

Enough is enough

Awon yoruba bo won ni iran meta o gbodo tosi.
I say 20 generations can suffer if nobody rises up along the line to put things right.

Fun idi eyi, emi ti fa ara mi kale gege bi olukoya fun iran mi. I don't want the generation coming to suffer like their forefathers therefore, i am doing all i can both spiritual and physical to put things right. 

Iwo nko?
Are there errors you have come across in your family root that you think must be corrected?
Are there negative trends you have noticed that you think must not be allowed to continue?
So what are you doing about it?

If the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do? The only thing the righteous can do is to lay another foundation.

Don't get the laying of new foundation confused with 'buying a new plot of land'. It means spiritually addressing issues that the past generations failed to deal with which eventually destroyed them. 

These forces are powerful and wicked so you need the might of God to face and conquer them. By polluting the foundations, they are able to wreck several destinies.
If you are not ready to battle them, iwo naa o le ri ona lo, you and the generation after you will be added to the statistics.

Why do you think you are not getting the desired results from your labour and daily toil? Why are things so difficult for you to achieve? Why do you fail just at the edge of breakthrough? Because nothing you build on a faulty or polluted foundation can come out good or last long.

Many don't have this rhema and are just chasing after the wind. 

Amukun eru e wo; oke la nwo, a o wo isale. 

Satan: Para-mode

Koradini: My lord, the church down the street have started praying again that you should die. Infact they are screaming so loudly. Permission to attack my lord....

Satan: wait....what is my offence again this time? Why are these people always looking for my trouble?

Koradini: my lord, the man leading the prayer was telling his people that you are the one inciting the youths to start a revolution which could lead to bloodshed.

Satan visibly angry: S T O P! Nooooo......
Incite youths?
Which youths?
Coward youths?
Imbecile youths?
Do you even think any revolution can happen in this land?
Who are those to lead?

Coughing... i have to incite anybody? Can't they see the need for it themselves?

Am i hungry?

Koradini: No sir

Satan: Am i jobless?

Koradini: No my lord

Satan: Am i homeless

Koradini: not at all sir....

Satan: So what exactly is my concern with revolution or no revolution?
Is it my money their leaders are squandering?

Koradini: No my lord...

Satan: Koradini stop saying No, no, no and do something. My reputation is at stake.
By the way what happened to Chief Layipo, their neighbour, i thought we have possessed him to always prevent them from these useless prayers? Can't he do something?

Koradini: He's not around my lord. He's gone to the confab where the future of the land is to be discussed.

Satan laughing hysterically: eh he eh he...
confab! At what age?
Which future is he discussing? The future he won't be part of?
All of his children are abroad so whose interest is he there for?
Do people like him even know what it means to suffer?
The people who owns the future and should be there are roaming about aimlessly unconcerened about their future....and they are praying for me to die because they think i am inciting these kind of unserious people?

Look, koradini, don't worry yourself. You don't have to do anything because that prayer is false so their request cannot be granted.
Leave them to waste their time....they'll take the collection from them and send them home tired as usual.

Im thirsty....


I have just released a new song titled Eso Pele (Caution). This song contains vital messages needed at this season.
It preaches on the only way by which we can survive in this world.....

"To succeed in this cruel world;
Make caution your bossom friend
Choose your friends with caution
Plan your future with caution
Frame your life with caution"

"Egungun to ba pidan niwon lo n pidan pe" (It is only the masqurade who sumersaults moderately that lasts longer).

Listen here: 


People perish for lack of understanding

I don't pay my tithe because of Malachi 3 or because of fear of heaven or hell.
I pay my tithe because i know my local church has needs to be met. Utilities to be paid, salaries of workers, maintenace of church building or rent as applicable etc. And if you are looking for my tithe record, sorry you can't find one.

I am happy to do more in a setting where there is judicious disbursement of the funds and transparency.

I am not moved by fire and brimstone coming out of the tongue of the pastor. I give as i am led. Infact, the way i was brought up is to look for what needs to be fixed in the church and do it before the pastor even comes out to publicly announce it. For example, if you see the choir need a new drumkit, you can sort it out if you are blessed to do it. No show-off, no noise, but as discreet as possible.

I willingly throw myself to the service in the vineyard without neccessarily filling any membership forms....and i don't see any service within the church as too low for me. From cleaning the toilet to cutting the grass....i'm just sold like that.
I don't care whether any human being is taking any record or not. I am not cut out for eye service.

Giving to men of God is also a good thing especially those of them who are committed to the work of the vineyard fulltime. Whatever you must give should also be freewill in appreciation of how they have made a positive impact in your spiritual growth. NOTHING SHOULD BE DONE OUT OF COMPULSION...and you don't need to run yourself bankrupt to satisfy anybody.

There is a reward for every good deed we do especially when done with the right kind of heart. That's just the basic principle of life.

Life will be easier if we do things with understanding.


Yeye dey smell

Una wan reap wear una no sow

The same Akin VòGg that was in Nigeria few years back is still the same one trying to realise his dreams now in another man's country.
The only thing that changed is the condusive environment which my adopted country offered me to thrive.

Firstly, i was able to THINK rightly. Then i later discovered so many things about myself. I discovered that i have value. I dicovered i can be whatever i want to be. I discoverd i am different from animals. I discovered i have basic rights which must be protected.
These were the same things i asked from my own country. I never asked for too much.
- Give me an education system that will bring out the best in me not recycled lecture notes, and i don't want to study a 4-year course for an indifinite period.
- Fix the basic amenities and let me truely know the difference between the living conditions of  animals and human beings.
- Place merit above 'all other factors'. I should not waste away because i don't have connections at the top.
- Discover and develop raw talents not raise mediocres.

This Chiwetelu do not know you. He's not part of you. You did not raise him.

Don't wait to claim glory where you do not deserve one.
Give hope to the many young Chiwetelus in our country. Destinies are wasting away!!!

The glory days are long gone

I watched a video clip on instagram few weeks ago of a 6yr - old boy (from my guess) singing dbanj's song "eyin boys e gba oju e" while making that slap action according to the song.

Scrolling down the page that same day, i saw dbanj posted photos of himself at Abuja in the company of Dangote...and another one with Obasanjo....and another one at a farmer's conference somewhere in Africa.

Now....i shut down my instagram and tried to put the 2 scenarios together.

This guy is a brand ambassador to many outfits so ideally he's an influence. But what sort of influence is he?

On the other hand, he's not going about slapping people as he sang in his song, but he's mixing with the well-to-do in the society and trying to do something good with his own life. SO WHY IS HE MISLEADING THE PEOPLE HE HAS INFLUENCES OVER?
Why can't he use his influence to change the way an average Nigeria youth thinks?

If he's not singing crap songs, he's busy flaunting blazers made with dollars and his $1m shoe to his teaming followers. These folks in turn will kill to be able to own a pair of his shoe.

So you wonder why the present generation has ended up a waste by the look of things. You wonder why there seems to be no proper youth fit to step forward to lead the nation. You wonder why politicians are being recycled. You wonder if there is any hope for this generation.

"When you see someone who has failed, you are seeing someone who has been failed."
As much as there is a personal responsibility for being a failure, there are equally corporate ones.
Telling someone how to dress (not to sag their pants) does not change their thinking. Afterall Davido and whizkid sag and they are rich. They wine and dine with governors and the likes. They are ambassadors to global brands.
This present day youth has IDENTITY CRISIS. They have only gravitated towards the only force that pulled them- music/entertainment. This is a generation that believes Nikky Minaj is more influential that Martin Luther King in the history of black revolution. We are talking of a generation who can quote all the lyrics from dbanj's album but don't even know how many countries make up the continent of Africa.

What has the dbanjs, donjazzys, whizkids, tufaces, davidos, psquares done other than get rich? They sing about sex and flaunt wealth, polluting the minds of the youth. Their videos debase womanhood and erodes moral values. Sadly, these are the people deemed worthy to be brand ambassadors to big corporate outfits.
What has the corporate organisations done to add value to the lives of Nigerian youths in terms of scholarships, entreprenueral grants, literature/science workshops? Have you seen or heard any? Rather all they do is organise music concerts, comedy shows, and other promos which are not productive but only pushes their brand. What signal are they sending out when they sign these morally bankrupt artists on huge contracts as brand ambassadors?

Finally what has the government (ruling elites) done to ensure the educational system produces future leaders? None. So who is better qualified than them(old cargos) and their sons and daughters? They do not want their class infilterated by people from the lower class hence everything is done to widen the gap and ensure the lower class is totally discredited and no match to them.

The youths now are only left with one goal "get rich by any means or die wretched". All they are doing now is to pursue that "unreal lifestyle" as seen in the videos of these "empty barrels" even though these artists themselves don't enjoy such luxury in reality.
These youths know crystal clear that neither education nor a white collar job can get them 'there' (as it is evident from the lives of their parents and uncles) some who died on the queue waiting to collect their pensions. So they turn to crime, fraud, prostitution, drug trafficking, kidnapping. These are the only professional languages understood by this present day youths as a result of what they have been exposed to and can identify with.

The glory days are long gone.

Thursday 27 March 2014

Check the soil

Check the soil before you sow your seed
Gbogbo enia ko laa f'inu han
Ba'nu so ma b'enia so
Aye o f'eni foro a f'ori eni.

Check the soil before you sow your seed
Gbogbo oro ko laa b'awon da si
Yara lati gbo, lora lati f'esi
Abani wa oran ba o ri da l'omo adamo.

Check the soil before you sow your seed
Gbogbo ode ko laa lo
Sora ile gbigbe naa nyo ni subu
Mo'ja-mo'sa la fi nmo akinkanju

Check the soil before you sow your seed
Gbogbo eda ko laa ran o si lati se lore
Ma ru eru eleru ko fa tire dani
S'ore ni won

Check the soil before you sow your seed
Gbogbo òwò ko laa dawo le
Ma gba ona olona, ibi ori dani si laa gbe

Sunday 2 February 2014


Watching Arsenal's game against West Ham today, i took a reflective look at life vis-a-vis what was happening during the game.

We missed so many chances with Giroud being the main culprit, not because he did not work hard enough but things weren't  just working for him.
I took a look at life when you put in all the hard work but things don't just work out. Those times you try and put yourself in good positions but then all the opportunities just slip by. Those times when the results you get do not measure up to the shifts you have put in.

I watched his face when Walcott got the first goal with the slightest of effort. The goal wasn't meant to go in with 3 defenders infront on him plus the goal keeper. The touch was more of a roll-in than a strike but somehow the ball was in the back of the net. As if that was not enough, the same player scored his second through an unexpected means- His head (He never scores with his head).
I found out this also happens a lot in life where you see people who are succeeding with little or no effort. Things just work out for them while you stand there asking what else do you need to do to get the desired result?

I saw him laid the ball for Podolski to score the third goal and the whole stadium erupted in the chants of his name as their new hero.
I reflected on those moments when you help others achieve their goals and you still can't seem to get your own life in order. While those you have assisted are celebrating the moments you have helped them create, your own wait for a breakthrough seems endless.

I saw him trudged off the pitch when the board was raised for him to come off- he was no longer the favourite of the crowd. He was not applauded for all his efforts in the game, as long as he has NO GOAL to his name no one was bothered about him.
It is the same in life; People celebrate only achievers, they care less about the effort you are making or means you are taking. They are impatient and soon will be calling you a failure once you have NOTHING to show. "Eniti kòkó e ba yè oun lo mo ló"

I put myself in Giroud's shoes today and i can identify with the bad patch he's going through on the football pitch with my personal life- WHEN NOTHING SEEMS TO BE WORKING.

The positives from the story are:

1. His own lack of goals did not stop him from helping a mate create one. Don't allow whatever you are going through to stop you from helping others. Oore ni oore nwo tò.

2. In his sad moments, he was still celebrating with his mates who are banging in goals. Ma binu eniti o n da fun. Ba alayo yo.

3.  Until when he was substituted  he never stopped running, working hard and getting into the right positions. As long as you keep doing these things, iyanu a sele lojo kan.