Friday 28 March 2014

Enough is enough

Awon yoruba bo won ni iran meta o gbodo tosi.
I say 20 generations can suffer if nobody rises up along the line to put things right.

Fun idi eyi, emi ti fa ara mi kale gege bi olukoya fun iran mi. I don't want the generation coming to suffer like their forefathers therefore, i am doing all i can both spiritual and physical to put things right. 

Iwo nko?
Are there errors you have come across in your family root that you think must be corrected?
Are there negative trends you have noticed that you think must not be allowed to continue?
So what are you doing about it?

If the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do? The only thing the righteous can do is to lay another foundation.

Don't get the laying of new foundation confused with 'buying a new plot of land'. It means spiritually addressing issues that the past generations failed to deal with which eventually destroyed them. 

These forces are powerful and wicked so you need the might of God to face and conquer them. By polluting the foundations, they are able to wreck several destinies.
If you are not ready to battle them, iwo naa o le ri ona lo, you and the generation after you will be added to the statistics.

Why do you think you are not getting the desired results from your labour and daily toil? Why are things so difficult for you to achieve? Why do you fail just at the edge of breakthrough? Because nothing you build on a faulty or polluted foundation can come out good or last long.

Many don't have this rhema and are just chasing after the wind. 

Amukun eru e wo; oke la nwo, a o wo isale. 

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