Thursday 11 September 2014

Stop chasing the wind

At least the craze of everyone wanting to be a fashion designer/label owner has now died down a bit.

Those that joined because they think money is in it have now realised that it's only passion that keeps you going.

The talentless ones that joined with the intention of ripping off other people's designs have now realised that the process is as tedious as waiting for a crab to blink.

Those who thought the tag 'fashion designer' will make them an overnight celebrity have now realised how tough it is to get accepted.

Most have now realised how hard it is to change the mind of customers who are already locked to certain brands to part with their hard-earned cash to purchase the product of an unknown brand.

Many only got attracted by the surface glamour which i call 'shine-shine'. None actually thought about all the other complex processes like: creating designs, fabric sourcing, finding and dealing with manufacturers, meeting deadlines, promotion, selling, legal issues and most importantly funding.

It is a very dangerous thing to jump on the bandwagon of any venture which you have no passion, talent, knowledge or calling for. You are doomed to fail if you do.
Don't do a thing because it is popular. Do it because you have something different to offer.

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