Thursday 11 September 2014


I don't exactly know when Aso-ebi was first introduced, but i know the inception of the practice can be traced back several years to the time of our great-grand fathers. The idea then was to use the Aso-ebi during family celebrations to identify the in-laws and the iyawo-iles.
I also cannot categorically say how much was spent on these clothes but i know, from the ones i witnessed while growing up that the cost was modest.

The Aso-ebi practice of this dispensation is a complete deviation from the original intention of the creators. What is going on today is a demonstration of extreme level of lunacy.

Lunacy in the exhorbitant prices of these Aso-ebi. The recent one i heard is N300,000 (£1000). This is excluding the cost of accessories to match the outfit!
Lunacy in the extent people go to have the Aso-ebi. Some borrow money or take it on credit.
Lunacy in the preferential treatment meted out to invited guests at the ceremony: "Eni to wo ankara lo ma je Semo". "O r'aso, o gba take-away".
Lunacy in the struggle to buy all the Aso-ebi for all the parties you are invited to just to show that you are a socialite.

In spite of all the shortcomings of this practice, i must commend the ingenuity behind the idea of the celebrant using it to finance the cost of the party.
I am of the opinion that this is the reason why it is a do or die affair with both the celebrant and the attendees. The celebrant is stylishly fund-raising, while the Aso-ebi-wearing guest will let all hell loose on the day of the ceremony if told that "jollof rice don finish" or the request for a change of meat is turned down. You must 'eat' your aso-ebi.

There seems to be no cure in sight for this madness anytime soon; infact every party is now used to set a new price standard for the next Aso-ebi.
The question i ask myself is why would i want to spend N300,000 (£1000) on a fabric that is not exclusive to me? 100s other people will wear the same on the day! I am even beginning to feel that people are charm-talked into buying.
To be honest, the winners in this game are the celebrants and fabric wholesalers.

I am not condenming the practice in its entirety, afterall it has been in existence before i was even born. As a creative designer, i love the styles some people come up with, especially the ladies, and the glamour it adds to the event. I am simply against the extreme to which we have taken it.

Aso-ebi should not be a mandatory ticket to enter and eat at a ceremony.
People do not have to sell their kidneys to be able to afford aso-ebi.
You do not have to buy aso-ebi to prove anything. You have nothing to prove to anybody in life. Just live!
You do not have to sell aso-ebi to fund your party. If you cannot afford to host a party then forgerrit!

Listen to this: It is called Aso-Ebi (Clothes for relatives). So i think except you are the celebrant's REAL relative you have no business buying ASO-EBI anyway.





  1. This is No ID here bro! There is no better way to put it than how you have up there sir. ���������� Madness at its peak!!
