Wednesday 10 September 2014

SOS: A cry to the good people

So the saying is true that "the world won't be destroyed by evil doers but by the good people who stand and watch."

Why are the intellectuals in Nigeria running away from politics?
This non-participating stance of theirs have left room for some uninspiring and morally-deprived individuals to hijack the process.

The so-called Nollywood stars who could not come up with sensible scripts for a 90-minute video are coming out to contest for public offices that'll require them to formulate policies for the next 4-8years!

How do we expect a musician who could not write intelligent materials for a 4-minute song to provide meaningful contribution towards the progress of the country when elected into office?

I know these individuals are merely excercising their entitled rights as citizens of the FRN and i have no problem with that, but this is a sign that the rot in our system has eaten deep beyond remedy.
I mean we are talking of individuals who could not manage their industries. People who could not inspire the society positively with their arts. People who have abused their roles of influence to further confuse the youths and plunge the society into moral abyss.

You can easily gauge their intentions by looking at the positions they are gunning for. They have all set their sights at the National Assembly while the very audacious ones amongst them are contesting the governorship, without any political experience. What do you even need political experience for in Nigeria when all you need to do is find a strong political father who'll foist you on the weak and gullible Nigerian voters.
None wants to even start from the grassroot!

These questionable characters are not better than the politicians themselves. This is not the change we are talking about. They are only joining politics because they have ruined their industries and are now jobless and hungry. Their Nollywood celebrity status don't command much respect anymore, they need something bigger and stronger.

This absurdity must stop!

Good people need to rise up and save the Nation.

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