Wednesday 14 May 2014

The Presi in class

Expert: Your Excellency sir, i'll be taking you through your answers in preparation to face the international media on the state of the nation.
Sir, the first and the most important thing you have to work on is your body language. This goes a long way in the whole process. So you have to appear confident. Sit relax. Look straight at the interviewer when answering. Never take your eyes off the camera.

Presi: why?

Expert: Because it'll appear you are lying if you don't. Eye contact is very important your excellency.

Presi: Na wa o. Issorait...i'll try sha.

Expert: Your Excellency, we'll move straight to the questions now.
Remember, you are god. You have the power in your hands be firm in your responses and don't fall for any manipulation.

Presi: If i am asked about corruption what do i tell them?

Expert: Looking straight into the camera, in a relaxed but firm tone, tell them that the people are only over-reacting and mixing things up. Tell them the people are confusing stealing with corruption.

Presi: What is the difference?

Expert: Your excellency, explain to them that stealing is taking what does not belong to you and corruption is trying to cover it up. You run a transparent government so nothing is covered up. Also, nobody has stolen anything because the economic minister has counted all the money in the treasury and nothing is missing. Assure the international community not to listen to any rumour.

Presi (grinning excitedly): Hmmm...very good! Very good!
Can we have some break now. Let's drink something before we continue.

Expert: Your excellency can we just treat one more question before we go on break....

Presi: down na. No rush...i need time to memorize this one.
Let's drink something....

(To be continued)

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