Wednesday 14 May 2014

The Parable of Solomon Grundy

Solomon Grundy,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Grew worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
That was the end,
Of Solomon Grundy.

This story does not belong to Solomon Grundy alone, but also anyone who does not possess the annoiting needed to fulfill his/her destiny in life.
When the annoiting to take you to your next level is absent, the next thing that happens is that you EXPIRE.

There are several talented people whose destinies have been wasted and such indivividuals reduced to nothing. So you see in my short sojourn in life, i know of a fact that talent is not enough to succeed because you are faced with powers, forces, conspiracies, high-level wickedness who are assigned to frustrate and waste destinies. 

There is no better way to put it- you need annoiting to fulfil your destiny in life. QED.
Jesus Christ was only able to overcome all forms of opposition and fulfil his mission on earth because of the power of the annoiting- Luke 4:18.
Jesus knew the importance of this power of annoiting hence he told his disciples to tarry until this power comes upon them, he knew withou this power they'll just be roaming about the street. And you know what happened when the power came upon them...

The idea of the annoiting we have today is the wrong one. The type of annoiting we see today are the 'rehearsed' ones where you shake your body and do one kain one kain while singing so that you look like you are in the 'spirit'. Iro nla!
So what i am saying in essence is that, the results you produce shows whether you are annoited or not....not the gymnastics you display.

Annoiting gives you the ability to function supernaturally. It gives you victory over oppositions. It immunes your destiny against the attacks of destiny wasters.

You need to cry to God to release upon you the annoiting to live up to your potentials.

Agbara o loun o nile wo, o n'ile ni o ni gba fun.

Awon omooba nrin nile, eru mbe lori eshin. Error nla ni.

Ma gba o!


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