Friday 20 June 2014


(At the Governo-dential debate)

Host: One final question for you sirs. We noticed that you have both adopted the same strategy to get votes, and that is by giving out to the people. It is interesting also to know that you both have been giving out same type of item but in different forms and this is where we want to focus on.
What influenced your decisions?
Is there a coded message embedded in how you have decided to give these gifts?

I'll start with your excellency....

'Yemi: Thank you gentleman. I have decided to give out food to the people of my state because that is the one of the basic needs of man. The people are hungry and there is a yoruba saying that a hungry man is not interested in any other that need must be met first before any other thing. It's as simple as that.
However, there are strong messages i am passing out to the people by the method i have chosen to meet this need.
1. I gave out cooked jollof rice. This means i am going to give them ready-made solutions. They should just relax and we'll do everything.
2. I served them this food myself to show the exceptional leadership qualities i possess. I am a humble man, a leader who is ready to come down to the position of a servant, an approachable leader, a leader by example.

Host: Thank you sir your excellency. So the people should expect a government with ready-made answers, led by a humble leader. Thank you.

Now over to you sir Otunba. What do you want the people to know....What is the message?

'Yose: Thank you o jare young man. It is true the people have a need but is it one plate of rice that will satisfy that need? Haba! Will they have to queue again the next day for another plate of jollof rice? What type of governement provides a solution that will not last for his people?

1. I gave out uncooked rice in bags for them to take home and cook at their own convenience. This shows i am including them in the governance of the state. The government alone cannot do everything for the people.
2. The size of the bag is handy for each of them to carry without inconvenience this shows we'll not saddle them with too much responsibility to kill them all in the name of serving them.
3. The quantity of the rice is such they will not consume at a go but will last them as long as they can manage. This is telling them that resources are to be prudently managed. You don't consume everything 'phi-am' just like that otherwise you'll go hungry before the next supply comes.

Host: I know the people of this state are intelligent and I hope they'll apply the same level of intelligence when voting.
Thank you sirs for coming on to this show. We have now come to the end of this programme, thank you viewers for watching and have a nice evening.

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