Wednesday 9 April 2014

ARSENAL: Things fall apart

At Arsenal's trainning ground before Wenger's arrival

Poldoski and Giroud posing for pictures with the team's photographer

Arteta practising backpass

Sagna talking to Mert and Scezney about his summer move

Flamini sprinting around the pitch with Chamberlain

Carzola and Ramsey ball joggling

Vermalene, gibbs and Monreal gossipping about Diaby and his injuries

Kallstrom on the phone

Bendtner reading a mag

Rosicky had his headphones on

Sonogo and Fabiaski lying down at a corner

(Wenger arrives)

Wenger: Hey guys what is happening here?

(no reply from anyone)

Wenger: Ok get together everybody. We have a match on Saturday and this is not how to prepare.

(Every gathers around)

Wenger continues....

Who are we playing on Saturday?

All chorused: we don't know boss

(Wenger reaches for his diary to check)

We are playing Wigan and according to what i have written down here, it is the FA semi-final.
So get the bibs....yellow to the right side, green to the left.

I want you to pass, move, pass move, pass, move....

Same as we do it but i want it quicker.....

Blows whistle pooooooooooo!!!!

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