Saturday 12 April 2014

Business or Busyness

I saw this while going about my own business.

This is what we call "oga ta, oga o ta, owo alaaru a pe".

While this type of attitude seem harmless to those who have it, because they get paid nevertheless, the danger is that it makes them useless at handling their own things because bo ba se se nkan oninkan naa lo se ma se tire.

From mis-management of resources entrusted to you to mis-use of position/trust....all add up to how you run your own personal lives. No wonder some people cannot manage their own private business succesfully despite having several years of working experience.

It is true that some bosses are not worth dying for (i have been there), but you have a choice: Stay there and PERFORM or QUIT if you are not being motivated.
Let me add that this apply even where your service is rendered free of charge. Give it your best shot...not with the attitude of 'afterall i'm not getting paid'.
Whatever your hands find to do, do it well.

So many lives look busy but little results are seen.

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