Saturday 20 December 2014


I have no iota of confidence in this present auto pilot leadership of GEJ. I have maintained this position before he was even voted in. I screamed on one of my posts on facebook then that Nigerians MUST not hold this man accountable for anything because he has promised to do NOTHING. Just like now, all we wanted then too was CHANGE.

I am one of the few people you'll see that do not feel disappointed with the performance of this government . Where was everyone when D'banj was conducting a solo presidential debate (Q&A) after he declined to appear on the official one on the TV? Se sun ni? We only wanted a change. But what change? If you don't know what kind of change you want how can you assess if he was capable of leading? He listed no plan of what he was going there to do and when i raised this point, a friend of mine on facebook said to me "what does that matter....afterall those who gave plans in the past could not achieve anything". This was a comment from an educated person (I will not mention his name to save him of embarassment).

We are where we are.

Nigerians who are condenming GEJ today should check themselves. They should blame themselves.
How can you require from someone what he has not promised to give?

We are being presented with another opportunity now, E YAN DAADAA O!

And let me take this opportunity to advise those lazy and weak minds who are already saddling God with the responsibility of choosing our next President to please wake up! God does not vote. Human beings vote.
God does not count votes. Human beings count votes. It was in the bible that God was in the business of choosing leaders for the Isrealites. Today, he has given the power to us to choose whoever we want as our leader. After you have chosen, blame yourselves not Him. Take responsibility if you fail not shift the blame on him.

Majority still don't know what they want hence we are still divided along the religious and tribal fronts.
By now i don't expect any sensible Nigerian to still be in support of the continous reign of the inefficacious leadership of GEJ.

We must all agree on the direction/destination before we can CHOOSE a driver who is farmiliar with the terraine to drive us.

It is only after we have agreed that all of us - christians, muslims, traditionalists, all tribes, can sit together in peace while we embark on the journey.

It is after we have agreed that we can jointly call the driver to order if we notice he's driving out of route, and the people of his tribe and religion will not scream murder.

As at this moment, many still don't get it.

- Some people still want GEJ to continue.

- Some just want GMB there because they are simply tired of GEJ. They don't even care whatever he's going there to do.

- Some don't want GMB there because he's a muslim/Northerner, while some want him for these reasons.

But why do we need a new leadership as a NATION? This is what we need to answer.

These factors might seem trivial but these will all count come Feb 2015. Mark my word!

I still submit by saying until we know what we want, we'll not be able to choose wisely.


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