Thursday 20 November 2014

The Home: Birthplace of Change


1. The home is the first training ground of any child and the birthplace of the change we desire in the world. Ile la ti nko eso r'ode.

2. You carry the critical responsibilty of shaping the lives of your children with good moral values before they step outside into the world. Obi rere a ma fi ogun rere sile fun omo.

3. When you fail to carry out your responsibility, you have only succesfully birthed another problem for the world to manage. Omo ti a o ko, ni yio gbe ile ta ko ta.

4. What they do not learn at home will be taught to them by the society in diverse ways.

5. You cannot delegate this responsibilty to the the teachers in school, as theirs is purely educational.

6. Before any child steps outside the home to mix with the world, they must have atleast learnt the basics such as: love, respect, honesty, dignity, honour, responsibility, and hardwork.

7. Whatever title a child acquires through study cannot substitute for the lack of basic values listed in 6 above. Òto ni iwe, òto ni ogbon ori.

8. The truth a child is taught at home cannot be easily twisted by the society.

9. Do not mind the society that says you are too harsh on your child because their correctional facilities established for ill-trained children inflicts more pains.

10. It is easier to train a child than to correct a man.

There is nothing strange or new in all the points i have mentioned above, but seeing the level of decadence in the society, i simply feel parents need a sort of re-awakening, especially those who have abdicated their responsibilties, and for the aspiring parents to know what is expected of them.

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