Thursday 9 June 2016

Watch out for the signs

Aja to ri ni tele to n ju'ru, to wa ri ni to bere si gbó; apere buruku ni.

There are usually warning signs preceding any incident but many simply do not possess the ability to detect them early enough, while others who can recognise these signs lack the knowledge to correctly interpret their meanings, so they just ignore them.
The inability to detect and correctly interpret warning signs ahead to take appropriate actions has led to many ugly fallout of relationships, groups, business collaborations and friendships.

Bi onile ba ti n fi apari isu han alejo, ile to lo niyen.

You must possess the ability to pick the right moment to bow out on a high. Watch out for the signs telling you that you have over-stayed your welcome so as to avoid public disgrace.

Won o fe o l'awujo, o tun da orin. Ta lo fe ba o gbe?

Never ever stay a moment longer in a place where you are no longer wanted. Watch out for those signs telling you that you are no more of value or importance to them. Don't stay there forcing yourself to be accepted.

When a friendship no longer offer joy but strife- don't force it. End it.

When you sense envy in a collaboration that used to seek your elevation- don't carry on. Exit.

When you are no longer respected in a place where you used to be honoured- don't tarry there. Bow out honourable before you are publicly disgraced.

Where your worth and value are no longer appreciated- recognise the sign that they are tired of you. Move on.

Where you are being hindered to operate at your full potentials or asked to play roles you are not comfortable with- it's a sign that you have outgrown that environment. If you remain, your growth will become stunted. Go out and explore new possibilities.

If a partnership is no longer achieving its  purpose- shake hands with no hard feelings and part ways.

If you belong to a group that no longer share the same ideologies with you- admit that you have become a misfit. Leave and find your fit somewhere else.

Be bold, be man enough to take decision. The word NO is not always a negative word. Try to use it more often rather than remain unhappy.

Read those signs now and pick your moment carefully to act.


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