Thursday 9 June 2016

The Academic Grading System

Disclaimer: This is written out of my personal meditation and experience. It is a suggestive rather than exhaustive treatise on the subject, with the main objective of stimulating readers to the discovery and perception of the truth that- "there's more to life than academic grades". I, therefore, will only take responsibility for what I write and not what you understand.

A contributing factor to so many truncated destinies around today can be traced to the ACADEMIC GRADING SYSTEM.

The Academic grading system says that the compiled result of series of 1hr 45mins exams taken over a period of 4-7 yrs, depending on the course of study, is enough to determine whether an individual will succeed in life or not.

Let's look at how this plays out under the following categories:

The first category are the under-achievers.  These people only push themselves just enough to meet the required minimum grade because the grading system says the minimum is enough to get them by in life. So they never operate at their optimum level. They work-pay bills-repeat.

The second category of people are those who fails to meet the minimum requirement and are placed in the lower/failure category by the Academic grading system. They are made to believe that since they can't even meet the bare minimum required to work for somebody else, they can't achieve anything worthwhile on their own. These people too will simply give up trying for this reason. Going forward, they lose every form of self-belief to aspire for greatness and rather settle for whatever life offers them. They settle for scraps.

The last category are those who are adjudged to be genius by the Academic grading system. They are usually placed In the upper class and made to believe that the world is theirs to conquer. They are primed with self-confidence, which is not bad, but what the system however fails to tell them is that, talent is not enough. They are pushed out into the world with a false sense of superiority, believing that they have no defects or weak areas to improve on. The genius therefore when confronted with non-academic challenges become stultified.

Way forward:

While none of us can change the Academic grading system, I think we can develop what I call the inferential comprehension ability, that is a high level of reasoning to analyse and interpret our success/failures beyond the face-value statistics.

Through your thoughts, you can weave ignorance and pain or wisdom and happiness into your destiny. It's your choice, it's your call.


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