Tuesday 28 June 2016


There comes a point in every man's life where one needs to un-learn the old/incorrect teachings, and learn the new/correct.

One of such things i wish to share today is PRAYER.

The concept of prayer we used to have is the vindictive, revengeful and herbalistic type, in which we send God on missions as if He were a hired assassin.
Also in our prayers, we send fire, thunder and tornado after the demons, forgetting that they can't die.
There are so many requests we make which are unnecessary, and time spent in this fruitlessness could have been spent in better productive ventures.

I'll like to share the concept of prayer as examplified for us by Christ, and with this knowledge comes the power to pray prevailing prayers because we pray aright.

Prayer is defined as TAKING GOD'S WORD BACK TO GOD.
Christ, throughout his earthly ministry based his prayers/requests on the WORD. He's always quoted to say "for it is written..." . When the Word becomes the foundation upon which we base our prayer requests, we can be sure to receive answers because nothing exists outside the Word.
When God said "come let's reason together...." He's saying come and hold me by my Word. Come and plead your case based on what I have said concerning you. God will never allow any of His Word to go unfulfiled because He elevates His word more than His name.

To pray in this manner requires you to know the Word.
To pray in this way requires you to believe in the Word.

There are so many prayers we ought not to pray any longer, but to simply use the Word to take our authourity. The Word has already settled some things, we only need to apply it to make it come into effect.

This is the same concept applied by the traditionalists when offering prayers to their deities. They base their requests on the Word. They use established convenants and evidences as the basis upon which they make their requests, and they get results.

Oftentimes, we pray with no basis and no authourity behind it. Such prayers are mere empty words spoken into the air. It'll bring back no result regardless of the drama displayed during the prayers.
Taking God's word back to Him is the surest way to pray through, because the Word is already settled in heaven.

You can scream, shout and roll on the floor and get no results, while somebody who appears to be simply mumbling but praying quality prayers based on the word will get results.
It's not the amount of time spent praying that guarantees result but the quality of the Word.

Everything you might be passing through has been settled in the Word. Dig out the Word and apply it. Confess the Word. Nothing exists outside it.

Always pray: For it's written.....

(NB: I have simply shared the truth and not brought any denomination into the spotlight, so let's not go there)

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