Monday 13 June 2016

BE INSPIRED TO LIVE - Don't just exist

If i'm asked to submit my CV, these are some of the tangibles i'll be proud to present.
Many have fantastic qualifications on paper that'll put me to shame, but not many can produce real evidences of what they can do or have done.
The proofs attached are my creation. The expression of my soul. My essence. Everybody don't need to like or accept them, but they are indestructible. They are my footprints on earth that I ever lived.

Equally, my over 10yrs of combined work experience in the property and health sectors is nothing to brag about because I was in those places simply for economic reasons. I didn't have to contribute anything special other than to turn up to work and follow procedures. Anybody can do that and It's no wonder why employees are replaceable-- hire the next mankind, give them the template, rinse and repeat.
One principle I have however stuck with over the years is not to take any employment that's choking (gives no room to do what I love), or that can kill my creativity. I'm an expressive person with wild imagination. I write and sketch on impulse. My mind is always wandering to pick ideas from strange places, yet there are days when i'm completely blank. I'm spontaneous and can only thrive in an environment that offers me this space and flexibility. So for me, It's not all about money. It's about freedom.

I appreciate people who can introduce themselves with proofs of what they can do or have done. Therefore, I have promised myself that when I become an employer of labour, the maximum academic qualifications i'll demand are reading, writing, and comprehension. If you want to work for me, you must be able to prove to me what you can do practically.

I'm a singer/song-writer, creative/inspirational writer and founder/creative designer of a contemporary African clothing label, listed among the best 50 in London.
As things stand today, my combined academic qualifications won't even get me an interview at any top corporation, so it's of no use listing them here.


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