Tuesday 21 June 2016

Letter to myself

Dear Segun,

Result cancels insult.

Insult suggests that you are operating at a level that you should have risen above. So, Instead of responding back to insults thrown at you and making a further mess of everything, simply channel that same effort on improving yourself and let the new result address those issues.

Ti aye e ba ni itumo, awon oro kan wa ti won o ni so si e. Awon iwa kan wa ti won o ni hu si e. Awon egbin kan wa ti o ma jina si sakani ibiti o wa. Awon oro idoti kan gan wa ti iwo gan o ni r'aye ma ba won da si mo, nitori, wa ri wipe o kere si awon nkan ti o n f'ori ro lo.

When you are being insulted, it's a time for you to admit that you need to get better. When issues you are fighting over are irrelevances, admit you need to change your game.
The best way to do this is to change level.

Segun, do not respond back to insult. Just work on yourself and get better.
Do not try to explain your way out, rather reflect on what's happening, and think of how to get away from that situation so that it does not become a common occurrence.

Segun, do not use insult to correct insult. Work more on yourself and get better.



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