Thursday 30 June 2016

Seek Professional advise

(This post is for those living in Europe and America only)


On immigration //

I have had private discussions on this matter with different people at different times, so I thought it's high time I aired my views for the benefit of all. Please read with open mind. I only take responsibility for what I write and not what you understand.


1. Apart from those who are British-born (taking UK as an example), the rest of the migrants have had to explore means within or outside the law to regularise their stay in the country.

2. There are many who did not make use of the options available to them because of what they heard in church, and this is what I wish to address.

3. I personally feel it's not the duty of the church to judge/condemn people who are making efforts to regularise their stay, regardless of the means chosen. It is the responsibility of the HO and the judiciary to determine whether a person has acted in accordance with the law of the land or not. Even in cases where a person is known to have acted outside the law, the judiciary often consider mitigating circumstances and thereby determine the matter on the balance of fairness and justice. The church should stay within her boundary of preaching the gospel and allow the appropriate authorities to do their job.

4. For ministers who are fond of speaking for God, I advise they refrain from making absolute where the bible has not made absolute. Many of these ministers speak with no empathy because they don't know how it feels to be in such a situation. I'll advise they stop making laws where God has not made laws. Rather than misleading people with their limited knowledge, they should simply pray with them (if they wish to), and advise them to seek legal advice.

5. The people themselves should endeavour to stay on the side of the law and seek the right kind of assistance . From the part of the world where we come from I know it's very difficult to convince someone to go to a lawyer instead of a pastor, everything is spiritual! While i'm not saying don't pray, I'm saying SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP ON TIME. You cannot just be praying without submitting any application for the donkey years you have been in the country! Also, remember we live in a world that's governed by the principle of actions and repercussions, so If you can do the crime, you should be ready to do the time.

6. The only kind of spiritual help i'll advise you seek is for guidance to know if you are really sowing in your land or you should be somewhere else.

7. Lastly, the ultimate judgement should be left to God, the all-knowing and fair judge. He alone can judge rightly the motive behind every of our actions.


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