Thursday 9 June 2016

Preach the gospel....make disciples

As a matter of personal principle I don't collect church leaflets on the street. If I stop for you to speak to me and you tell me about church and not Christ, i'll simply walk away and leave you standing there.

We need to stop evangelising to fill church seats.
Spiritual growth is not measured by numbers but by the quality of life (fruits) exhibited by believers.
So many churches have grown in status but the people in there have stunted growth. So much focus is on the building and not building the people.
Evangelism is a commission to make disciples of all nations, not a denominational competition.

The instruction left by Christ is to raise world changers not church goers.
How can this be done?
Through the WORD. The quality of the word determines the quality of the people.
Much of the word coming from the pulpits today are religious heresies.
The church is fast becoming a play ground where religious nepotism, hero-worshipping, hypocrisy, and all sorts of other games are taking place.

We can still get it right if we can concentrate on the ONLY commission given to the disciples by Christ in Mark 16:15, and forget about every other distractions. 

Listen to WORLDSHIP here:


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