Thursday 9 June 2016

I am VòGg

Maybe they don't know the meaning of my name- 'VòGg', hence they think I can still be bound by the chains of legalism.

I'm a VICTIM OF GOD'S GRACE. I walk, live and exist in grace. I can't boast of anything today that I achieved by my own strength, not even my salvation, neither can any man stand in my presence today, look into my eyes, beat his chest and say 'if not for him I wouldn't be where I am today'. GRACE MADE IT ALL HAPPEN FOR ME AGAINST ALL ODDS.

This is the reason why I won't trade the freedom grace has afforded me for anything else. I'm not a difficult person, I simply won't give up the truth I know and which has set me free- I WON'T.

I will continue to speak about it so as to help others too come into the freedom it gives.
I don't struggle for fame or position. I just want to live a quiet and comfortable life.
I have no point to prove to anybody. I simply live with intention and purpose to positively affect those whom I cross paths with, while I also learn and improve on the person I am from others who have been equally graced.
I don't intend to change the world, but to inspire those who will.

Not many victims live to tell their stories but Grace made mine possible.



NB: I even sang about it:

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