Wednesday 4 January 2017


1 Sam 18: 7-9 "‎Saul had slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands."
This was the song those who congratulated David sang that created an enemy for him.

Why should somebody who just killed the biggest enemy of the nation, Goliath, be hated? This is caused by nothing else other than ‎UNHEALTHY COMPARISON.

Unhealthy comparison births envy. Envy is a greater giant than Goliath. It destroys!
‎E‎nvious people c‎an’t celebrate anyone other than themselves. ‎Th‎ose that indulge themselves in envy ‎give place to the devil, and their heart is a prepared chamber for  wicked spirits to dwell. Where the spirit of envy is present, madness will be manifested. ‎Envious people are like raging bull. ‎Nothing is thought too precious to be sacrificed to envy. 

So when you see others being congratulated for whatever they have achieved, don't make them your enemies. Rather, ‎celebrate them and b‎e comfortable with the role God has given you. Don't let your ego set you on the path of destruction just like King Saul.   ‎

Unhealthy comparison is also a sign of immaturity. 2 Cor 10: 12b ".....When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise...."‎

This immaturity is caused by the lack of spiritual understanding of your God-given purpose. ‎
When you don't have this understanding, you'll always feel inadequate seeing s‎omebody else doing better than you and to‎ enjoy and complement their success will be difficult.‎

Ask God for a purpose of your own and be who God  created you to be. Understanding  your gifts and God-given purpose frees you from the need to measure yourself  by somebody else.  ‎
Success is not about being like somebody else, but about being the best you can be, and all God made you  to be.‎

This year brethren, shun unhealthy comparison and cultivate the habit of celebrating others.


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