Wednesday 4 January 2017

Let sleeping dog lie

Gbo mi gbogbo enia! I heard the voice this morning that asked me to tell you that as you embark on your activities this week, LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE.

Eyin daddy ati mummy mi, aunty, brother, eyin aburo mi ati eyin ti a jo je irò:  please allow inactive problems to remain so. Don't activate them. Don't instigate problem. Don't bring up past discussions that can create problems.

Hornezly becavu with your hotranzes, speeshes, and behafiors. Just avoid anytin you know that can cause any unvortunate situasion. Like playing with the breast of satan- don't do it. Espeziali his nipu- It's a very sensitive area. Don't tosh it.  Don't smell anytin that you know is not your delicazy. Weda it's tantalising or not- just cofa ur nose and move on.

[Message delivered]

Do have a blessed week!


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