Wednesday 4 January 2017

Stop Benbrucing

- Hello Jide, I received your message but i don't get it. What do you mean by 'i should stop benbrucing?' I have never by heard such word before. Benbrucing?

- It simply means stop saying behind people's back what you cannot say in their presence. Don't discuss points that you are not bold enough to raise at the meeting on the staffs' group chats anymore. You are loud on the chat forum, you talk this and that, then on getting to the meeting where people who have the authority to implement things are seated, and you go dumb. Put your money where your mouth is. Your tough talks matter on the floor of the meeting not on the group chats forum.

- So because I decided not to talk or really get involved today at the meeting you are trying to call me a weakling or something? Don't I make common sense in other discussions?

- Other discussions where? My guy where should you make common sense? In the meeting or on the social forum? Oga Park well. Listen, awon enia o soro e daadaa nigboro o but I have to tell you the truth as a good friend. They are already not taking you serious anymore. Imagine the person who tackled the management today at the meeting to make them reconsider their decision to start charging staffs for the office internet. Ordinary Bosun. That scruffy Bosun. Yet he was very assertive and made them see reason why they should shelve the idea and they did immediately. You didn't say nothing! Mr common sense. Ore, try change your ways.

- Listen Jide, I have to make you get some things...

- Guy, guy...abeg I get plenty work on my desk. We go talk later abeg.

(call ends)

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