Wednesday 4 January 2017

Process, not result

I usually feel low when samples return from production and don't meet my expectation. It means time and effort spent in designing and money spent on production are all wasted. Much more difficult to deal with is the dashed hope caused by this miscarriage.

Back to the drawing board, i have to remind myself that it's all about the process and not the result. The result may not be favourable but there are positives in the process which I can build on to become better.

I have to remind myself to worry only about what I can control - which is the process. The outcome I expect is often independent to my control as I rely on some other people and factors to make it happen. If I dwell too much on the pain of the miscarriaged result, I might start to feel disappointed in myself - thinking I'm the problem and never want to try again.

The process is willing to offer me other smart options but I can become blinded to this if I dwell only on the outcome which hasn't worked out.

This approach is the same for me even when the results are what I was expecting. I don't get carried away in celebrating the success that I forget the need for continual improvement. I have to stay focused and committed to a change system which eventually will lead me to an efficient process which guarantees consistent extra ordinary results.

NB: This is truthfully my mood at the moment. Some things haven't gone right and I'm mulling over them. However, I thought sharing this publicly would help somebody out there too.

A Shift in focus and commitment to constant improvement on whatever you do are the main points of my message.

Have a good evening.


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