Tuesday 8 September 2015

Think or die ignorant

An Education that only teaches you how to read and write is no education. Now is the right time to quit and enrol in one that'll teach you how to think.

This is how it works as at today: The world right now is in search of solution. Solution can only be found in right thinkers. So if you can't think right, you are only occupying space on earth- you are not useful. The world don't need you. They won't find you out. You can't find a fit. You are just a part of the problem.

Only thinking challenges status quo.
Thinking find a better and smarter way of doing things.

You love your smartphone where you can receive, send, scan docs wherever you are, to anywhere in the world, right? Yea, thinking made it possible. Those who cannot think are those on the divide of the ignorant that'll usually scoff the efforts of thinkers and chorus 'it's not possible. You have to get to a cybercafe to scan and send your document'.

Thinking makes everything possible.

It's high time we started to acquire knowledge that are useful and relevant to our betterment rather than learning to be part of the world's problem.

Guess why the builders, technicians & other experts  will always find work? Because they can do! The world is in search of doers not talkers. The office can only accommodate a few, and the struggle is real. While some are acquiring more qualifications to get there, the other die-hard hustlers are 'sleeping' their ways to the same position.
McDonald's is now setting up their stores to be self-serving. Banks are doing the same. Those staffs who are part of the organisation's problems (always complaining, calling in sick etc) are gradually been relieved of their duties. Only the doers are being retained behind these robots to monitor and maintain them. The rest of the thinkers are up the chart of the organisation, plotting the next smarter and better move.

Think or die ignorant!


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