Tuesday 8 September 2015

Self Discovery

Even if all you are doing is tip-toeing, as long as you are heading in the right direction, you are far better than somebody with speed but no direction.

Stop this jamojamo and papapa that you are doing upon and down and first discover yourself.

Self discovery gives you a clear description of your destination. You can then plan your route and set your speed.

If you get this right, you'll live your life with convictions and not based on opinions of others.
You'll die empty and happy because you have used up every resources deposited in you for the right purpose.
It can then be said of you that you got THERE.

Each time I see people speeding to nowhere, I flag them down to whisper to them that "nobody becomes a champion by speeding on a wrong lane."

So let me recap:

- Know your destination
- Plan the route
- Set your speed.



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